UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

I don’t work for any university but, as a generality, UCLA looks for collaborative, optimistic leaders. Cal and UCSD seem to look for leaders who took the initiative and made an impact. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.


My D22 got Provost with her acceptance letter, so I would think Regents is out, also.


My son got accepted and we are trying to access his financial package through MyAwards, it is asking is to validate his email and school number but we aren’t getting and email to reply to. I’m assuming the servers are busy, but anyone have a similar issue?

Yes, it’s taking about an hour to receive the security code.

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Found this on the UCD website:

  • A handful of scholarships, such as the Regents Scholarship and Provost Award, are announced at the time of Admission. The vast majority of scholarships are awarded over the summer. However, we award scholarships throughout the academic year as money becomes available. So, there is a chance you will receive a scholarship at any time during the academic year.

I got waitlisted too, which is devastating because I assumed I had a good shot at UC Davis. I’m a USA(J)MO Qualifier and reached USACO Gold, took all the APs my school had to offer and got all As. I played high school sports and have several interests outside of CS and math. My brother (who’s an excellent writer) says that my essays are decent. There is a high possibility I won’t get accepted to any colleges this year (applied to 4 other UCs and ivies). In retrospect I wish I had applied to more colleges, but unfortunately my parents strongly encouraged me not too (because they thought I would get into a UC). If all else fails, I still probably having that ELC top 9% thing to fall back on, but I never would have thought I’d be going to UC Merced at the end of this.


You are amazing. :muscle:

Every UC makes their own determination and hence this result from UCD has no bearing on your acceptances from other UC’s. You will have a better idea of of your UC results in a couple of weeks. Good Luck!


hey what are the chances of getting off the waitlist. my best friend got waitlisted and was wondering.

We’ve requested the code twice, got it after about an hour, and both times entered the code and got booted back to the original login page. Trying one more time and if it doesn’t work, will wait until tomorrow.

Have your friend look at the waitlist stats for the last couple years to get an idea that it varies greatly from year to year.

Well, she knew that applying for CS at the UC/CSU’s was going to be tough so we’re not entirely surprised. (And of course there are all the other factors too, not just stats, although as her mom I thought the other factors were great too. :wink: )

But we are concerned the other UC’s won’t come through either, even though we know getting in or rejected by one UC doesn’t always predict the others. So it still stings a bit, although we’re very grateful she’s got other great options. :wink:

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D22 in state, waitlisted Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior 3.87/4.4 capped, ELC

Accepted : Seton Hall, St Mary’s, USF, St John’s, SDSU (early), SF State and LBSU, still waiting on some UC’s and privates

Waitlisted: LMU


D is waitlisted for Human Development
3.89 UW, only a little higher than that weighted
PIQs not great–she rushed through them, applied to UCs because her parents made her
ECs average
Bay Area kid

Several other acceptances so far, so not sure if she’ll pursue the waitlist. Her BFF with similar stats also waitlisted.

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Like @siennared said, you are clearly an amazing student. Please try not to lose hope, the UC’s don’t always correlate with each other or with the Ivies. You will definitely do well wherever you end up.

If you want to put in a last-minute application, Cal Poly Humboldt is still accepting applications until April 1: Applying to Humboldt | Office of Admissions They are the newest Cal Poly and growing their offerings: Polytechnic Planning | Cal Poly Humboldt

I know it probably doesn’t feel like it at this moment, but you will be ok. :hugs:


It doesn’t sadly.

Don’t lose hope. My daughter got waitlisted at Davis and rejected from Santa Barbara and she got into UCLA. It’s about fit and finding your place. She’s is thriving there and I believe the admission officers really do know where kids fit (most of the time). Chin up!


Having trouble viewing his financial aid offer — any tips? He hasn’t received his 2-step code via email …

Having the same issue!

um what does this mean… smh this is so confusing. i filled out the fafsa but apparently not?

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