UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

The thought of a school comprised entirely of leaders terrifies me.


I can attest to that. My son is a CS major who applied in 2019. He was waitlisted at UC Davis and admitted to both UW and UCSB but was not given the CS major. Ultimately, he was admitted to CS at UCI, UCSD, UCB and Cal Poly Slo. He is thriving at UC - Berkeley. Being waitlisted at UCD isn’t a good predictor of other outcomes; nor is an acceptance most likely. These schools make independent decisions.


Dd accepted into Science and Technology major! In state. UW: 4.0/ UC capped 4.42/ Uncapped 4.5.


Daughter accepted for Psychology
3.6 UW UC GPA, 3.9 W


Thank you for this! My son is waitlisted at Davis for CS with a GPA of 4.6 and top 10 in his class. His ECs aren’t great because of social anxiety and once Covid hit it made it worse to go back to doing EC. He has a 1550 SAT, not that the UCs care about this year. You have given me hope that my shy, extremely smart kid will still get into a UC CS program. Thank you!


To help future applicants, please reply to this post, if you were accepted for your alternate/second choice major.

A clear answer to how often UC Davis considers alternate major will help future applicants.

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with those stats did he apply to private schools? a friend of ours with similar stats accepted to carnegie mellon best to your son! He seems like a really smart kid.


Yes, a few. FIngers crossed! Thank you

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Is anyone else still struggling to get into the Financial Aid awards? We got two codes last night, neither of which worked. She requested another one last night (and again) this morning but hasn’t gotten another verification code.


My son was also accepted into this major. Now I have to do some research about it :grin:

I wonder if they are working on the issue (or will resume so on Monday). The financial aid portal has been buggy since they rolled out admissions yesterday. We had the exact same issue (took a long time for the linked email window to show and then the follow-up email took almost an hour to show up in the email).

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You’re welcome. My son had very similar stats to yours - I believe his UW GPA was ~4.6- 4.7 with a 1560 SAT in a year when SATs were still being considered. Needless to say we were quite shocked by the UCD CS waitlist but, ultimately, thrilled at how everything turned out in the end. Best of Luck!

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Anyone still having issues with the verification code for the my awards site? We aren’t getting the code, no idea what to do. I guess call on Monday. We did get it once, but It told us it was invalid


Same for us. Still not working


NPB is an extremely popular major at UC Davis. It is mostly pre-med students. Some pre-vet go that route but most pre-vet students are in Animal Science. Regardless, the lower division requirements are the same the first couple of years - a year of calculus, chemistry, ochem, physics and biology.

According to the NPB website, it is the most popular major in the College of Biological Sciences and the fifth most popular major on campus.


Unweighted by UC standards maximum is 4.0. I like to use the Rogerhub UC GPA calculator which calculates all 3 UC GPA’s: Unweighted, Cap Weighted and Fully weighted.


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Thank you so much for the information and the link. :pray:t2::heartpulse:

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Yes, it isn’t working for us as well.

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We have yet to receive a code. Just put in a third attempt.

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Not working for me either, is there any other way to find scholarship information?

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