UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Email saying congratulations, you’re in! Then checked portal.

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Does the letter still dated 11 March?

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Yea my letter still says March 11

Don’t understand why Davis doesn’t update that. :thinking: What is your major - first choice or alternate?

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Got first choice major: Communication

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Yes letter dated March 11.

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Do you guys think there will be any more waves? Apparently in past years there haven’t been more than 2 waves, and we’ve already have 2 waves…

I’m more than a little worried it’s over. There have only been two waves, and the second was more of a small ripple than a wave. Plus for me specifically, there’s been no movement for aerospace at all. I’ve been planning extensively for a transfer (I really don’t think I’ll get off the waitlist), so I’m hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

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I heard UCs took in fewer students this year. Doesn’t that mean they should accept more off the waitlist theoretically?

Not necessarily especially if they were over enrolled last year.

you mean, we can still expect to acceptances on waitlist ? is there any limit on number of waves ? why dont they send confirmations for all waitlisted within a month’s span?

Any one from Bio Chemistry Major recently got accepted form waitlist ?

There are no limits on the # of waves for admitting students off the waitlist and for some schools it is more of a trickle of acceptances. Also there is no specific deadline for admitting, rejecting or closing the waitlist. Schools can give you a prediction but the bottom line is institutional need which drives the waitlist. UCSD has rejected some waitlisted applicants but kept some on the waitlist in case more spots open up. Admissions are the only ones that has the information to determine the fate of all on the waitlist.

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Agreed and makes sense . Thank you for prompt response.

I have a quick unrelated question. I didn’t do that well this semester grades wise. Do Ucs look at your weighted or unweighted gpa if they decide to rescind you? Because I think I’m okay if they look at my weighted gpa. Sorry if this isn’t in the right place

For the majority of the UC’s, you need to maintain an overall 3.0 weighted GPA Senior year with no D’s or F’s.

same here, just planning on TAGging in. Best of luck!

Do UCs only accept transfers for junior year intake or possibly for sophomore year after freshmen year? Thanks!

While the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences occasionally considers applications from students with less than junior-level standing, very few lower-division transfers are admitted. All other academic divisions will only consider applications from junior-level transfers.

For the best chance for transfer, meeting the minimum 60 semester/90 quarter units is a requirement especially if you are considering TAG.

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We got the letter packet today. It’s stickers, an “I’m an Aggie” poster, and other stuff. Not a box, but a thick envelope of things.