UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Got the same in the mail yesterday too. The admission letter is dated 17 May. Btw, the box mentioned in other post(s) was prize from drawings if the students signed up for Aggie trivia.

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Yay! We got our package too. Simple pleasures :slight_smile:

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So can we expect waitlist confirmations before end of June. Would Davis will send rejections also for those not confirmed in waitlist ?

The UC’s usually send out rejections and then an announcement they have closed the waitlist.

Well, it’s June and I’ve still got nothing. I think it’s officially over for me. Next up: trying to TAG within one year.

Just got rejected :frowning:



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Daughter rejected for Pre-landscape Architecture. What a strange year. At least we know now.

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Rejected! Too good for them HA

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Rejected. Got mail at 3:01 pm. Cog Sci.

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rejected to animal science lmao

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Rejected for CS first choice major

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In-state daughter rejected for Biology. Also rejected at UCSB. No email, just a change in portal status. Just absolutely astonished and dejected. My son with similar stats was accepted to UCLA in 2020.


Where’s she committed to?

UCSC for biochemistry/molecular biology. Still waitlisted at UCSD, UCI and Cal Poly.

DD rejected a couple days ago.
Still waiting on UCLA, UCI, UCSD.

Rejected undecided. Still on list for UCSD. Committed to UCSC but planning to defer and will reapply to UCD next year…

Just out of curiosity, will UCSC allow you defer? If they do, will they allow you to apply to other schools during the deferral period? The reason I ask this is that the UC’s normally do not allow deferrals.

Has anyone who appealed heard anything? It’s been radio-silent since my son appealed weeks ago. Hoping it’s a good sign that they’re taking it seriously.

Daughter’s appeal was accepted 7/5.