UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

UCD did not list any appeal information for 2021. Since it appears they did not accept anyone off the waitlist, they probably approved very few appeals also. In general, the UC’s approve few appeals. Best of luck.

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Hello, I submitted my waitlist opt-in, but for the grade updates, I had a question. If I took economics and American Democracy for one semester each (American democracy in the fall, and economics in the spring), what should I put the semester in which I didn’t take it? So for American democracy, I inputted my grade for the fall semester, but for the spring semester/term 2, should I put “not enrolled” or should I leave it as --select-- which is not choosing any of the options?

Thank you in advance for the help!

You should put NE (not enrolled). UCD is aware that some classes such as American Democracy and Econ are usually semester courses.

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UC Davis says I need to provide anticipated spring grades in the application update form, so does that mean for the courses that I’m taking right now during the spring semester…I state the letter grades I expect to have for them instead of saying “in-progress”?

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when and how have waitlist decisions come out? (waves, dates, closing dates, etc)

You can check previous years discussions to see when the waitlisted students were notified. Historically, the waitlist admits dates, the # admitted and when it is officially closed varies from year to year. It all depends upon how many spots are open so please SIR to a school and move on. If there is a decent amount of spots open, admits will be notified in waves but if only few spots are available then more of a trickle.

Last year, UCD appears to have not taken anyone off the waitlist but not confirmed since the 2021 CDS is not available. In general, the UC’s start taking admits off the waitlist after May 1. Waitlist closed on June 18 last year.

In 2020, my sibling was taken off the waitlist on May 7th. Hope that helps.


That’s what we did.

2020 was not a normal year. A lot of accepted kids deferred because of covid and that opened a lot of spots from the wait list.

hi, I am waitlisted for Sustainable Environmental Design program. Does anyone have an insight on how competitive is that program to get admitted from waitlist?
Also, is it recommended to contact the admissions counselor to provide additional information or inform that i will definitely attend if accepted?

Has anyone heard of kids getting off the waitlist yet? My S22 has friends who got off waitlists at UCI and UCSB the last couple days.

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I have seen no posts for any waitlist admits. Remember it has only been a few days since the SIR deadline so everyone needs to give admissions some time.

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appeal denied yaaas :heart_eyes:

Same here

What’s happen?

Can you clarify? Other than 2 appeals not being approved, nothing from the waitlist so far.

Generally speaking, when appeals are not approved does that mean anything with regard to potential waitlists? (like, not pulling from it this year, for example)


Very few appeals are approved since schools do not set aside spots for appealing applicants. There is usually no correlation between appeals and waitlist admits.


Thank you for that clarification!

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My D got accepted just now in Chem major.