UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

has anyone gotten off OOS?

Such good news! Congratulations to your son! :blush:

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I feel the same because my son also gave up Davis (against his mama’s wishes :sweat_smile:)

Good luck to all the future Aggies!!

Congrats to all! Did you get an enail or just checked portal?

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Accepted! in state Environmental Design.


I am so very happy for your son (and you !). Welcome new Aggie - assuming he accepts :slight_smile:


Son admitted today to Electrical Engineering. In State. He was waitlisted at UCD and UCSD, rejected at 4 other UCs.


Seems like UCD took a lot off of the waitlist today! Great to see.


I think we need some advice! Two things:

Does anyone know if they will accommodate adding newly admitted students to campus tours? They all appear full for May and she has one week to decide. Hoping for this Saturday.

Also, she is really, truly torn now! She had initially had her heart set on Davis but of course let that go when she was WL.

She has since committed elsewhere and was feeling good about it. This smaller OOS LAC ended up heavily recruiting her and even increasing her merit aid so the cost is the same as a UC. The environments are different, but there are also several similarities. The most obvious differences are the LAC has a smaller campus, smaller class sizes and a lot of individualized accommodations and support.

So now that Davis is back on the table, how does she go about this decision making process? I know I need to let her figure this out but I can see she is torn and perhaps sad to have to make another decision :frowning: and I want to be supportive of her process!

TY for any advice!


You might start a thread in College Search & Selection and see if people that are familiar with the two schools can lend some insight. Make a list of pros and cons of each school first.

Regarding the tour, I would call Admissions tomorrow and explain your situation. You don’t need the info session on how to apply but want a tour of the campus. There should be room to do the walking tour.


Dang. Still on the waitlist :frowning:


We are in the same boat! Committed and settled at a small school and now another decision!


My son got off the waitlist today too. I called the campus tour office and was added to a tour next Thursday (even though it was listed as full), which is the deadline to commit. The other option was tomorrow (Friday) at 11:00. The guy I spoke to said that prospective student tours are the same tour of campus with a different information session, so there might be more options there. Good luck with the decision making!


Me too, it’s making me sad

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Accepted in-state, Global Disease Biology!


He accepted!


It was an email first with the title “Congrats - You’re in!”


Unexpected!! Son admitted to Biotechnology with an admission letter dated March 11, 2022. Guess they had it ready to go off the waitlist. He is super stoked, so proud and frankly in disbelief considering the tough admission year. Blessed!! But still have an active appeal with USC! And WL UCSD. GLTA


My son is wondering if he can accept but decline if he gets into his top WL school? I said he can’t do that but wanted to ask you all. Thank you!

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We noticed the date on the letter too!

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