UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Yes, you can accept now and if another waitlist offer comes through that he prefers, you withdraw the current SIR and accept the others. We just did this – and UC knows. Step 1 on the accepted task list was “We know you have SIR’d elsewhere – you need to immediately withdraw” (paraphrasing) – it’s an super easy, quick process to withdraw. You do lose your deposit.


Thank you! So he could withdraw the current SIR, accept at Davis and if he gets into the other WL school (SLO) he can withdraw at Davis. What a crazy process! I can’t have my heart set anywhere until the final rejection/acceptance.

Yes! Exactly!

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Status still shows as “Waitlist Confirmation”. My son inputted all his grades for this semester except for 2 that were unknown because no updates to grade book yet. I hope that didn’t impact decision making!. Anxiously awaiting. Congrats to all who got in off WL!


Is it a bad sign if I still haven’t received anything from Davis?

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I want to know the same. Still says waitlist confirmation for me.


No, it is not a bad sign since they make offers in waves and not everyone that is accepted off the waitlist will enroll so they could have more spots available after the commitment deadline. The only bad sign is when they officially close the waitlist. Just remember that any waitlist is a soft rejection so the best thing to do is move on and if you are accepted off the waitlist, it will be icing on the cake. UC’s waitlist far more applicants than they can accept so chances are low to be accepted off the waitlist in the first place with the exception of 2020 which is an outlier.


Yes, that happens all the time. The only downside is that you will likely lose your deposit.

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Hooray! So happy for you guys!


You were required to upload senior grades? I don’t think my daughter was aware of that.

You were not required to upload grades but it was an option.


Were any rejections released today?


Rejections come out last just before they close the waitlist.


Ohh okay thanks.

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It told me I had to upload grades before I could submit my essay

Thank you for the clarification since I did not have access to the waitlist link. @Pugmom21, If that is true, then perhaps she did upload her grades.


Yes this happened for my son as well.


When referring to essay, are you talking about the 200 word thing?

may we know his stats

Any idea for whether cs majors have a chance of getting off in the next wave?

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