UC Davis Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

I know a couple people as well (though none for aero), so hopefully there’ll be a second wave at some point. I’m with you though, if we’re all waiting months and months, then there likely won’t be a second wave. What’s frustrating is that we have no idea of even making an educated guess here.


Sorry, I have been off the grid for the past week so my reply has been delayed.

I am not willing to make any prediction since each year’s waitlist admits can vary so it is possible that only a few spots remain and there may be only a trickle of admits vs. another wave. Only admissions has this information and I know it is difficult to continue waiting but that is all anyone can do at this point.

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Would you happen to know in previous years what Davis’s wave interval was like (weekly, biweekly, etc)?

Every year is different so you cannot predict unless you work in admissions. For Class of 2023, there were 2 waves a few weeks apart. For Class of 2024, only 1 admit wave. Class of 2025, no admits.


That makes sense. I’m just hoping some aero majors get some waitlist acceptances from a few Ivies and other top-tier colleges (so some spaces start opening up at Davis). And there’s really nothing else we can do (most internet resources recommend writing the dean of admissions, but that seems invasive to me)?

UCD required a waitlist essay so that should cover your interest in attending even though an applicant’s interest is something not considered in the original application review. The issue with so many schools is that they have way too many qualified students and not enough spots.


Yeah, that’s an unfortunate situation to be on this side of. Another question (sorry for all the questions): in the past, does Davis organize waves by major? For example, Wave 1 would be CS and EE, then Wave 2 would be MechE, or are all majors included in each wave?

Is it possible that after the final wave they do little trickles here and there? Have any UC campuses done that in the past? Thanks for all your help and answers on these forums!

No, they normally do not organize the waitlist admits by major. If you go back a couple of years, you will see admits from different colleges but mainly the College of Agriculture and College of Letters and Sciences. Only rarely do you see admits for the College of Engineering or Biological Sciences.

@BroccoliCheddar: Very possible the waitlist admits trickle out vs. large waves. It really depends upon where there are openings and how many.

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That makes sense. Are there any numbers for quantity of admits per college? And if you were to guess, how active will other schools’ waitlists be this year?

Did anyone that got off the waitlist get the mailed admissions package? Nothing here so far, so curious if we can still expect something or if that’s reserved only for the original admissions.

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Was wondering the same – but no, we’ve not received anything.

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No. Nothing in the mail. Davis website says admitted from waitlist would have the same experience as regular admitted. :lying_face:

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Apparently not everyone admitted got the package. A friend of my daughter’s never got his even though he was admitted outright.

Did he committed to Davis? I am pretty sure Davis won’t send the package to students who are admitted but decided not to go there. ~6000 for student in the Freshman class Vs 36000+ admitted.

He committed.

Maybe the package is just “imaginary”. Can someone post some pictures of the package they received (regular or waitlist admission)?


I’ve seen it from other admitted students’ photos – there are stickers, a poster, etc.

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Not imaginary. My kid received it! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: