UC Davis Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Great, thank you!


Hello. I’m new here on this forum and am not quite sure how to navigate through everything, but I wanted to leave a question here. For the UC Davis waitlist, does your selected/intended major play a critical role in determining whether or not you will be able to be offered a seat off the waitlist? Or is it by the total enrollment count for the campus of that year? An answer would be appreciated since, as of now, Davis seems like my only shot to attend a UC school.

Yes major can play a role in the selection of the waitlist. Which major are you waitlisted for at UC Davis? Some colleges admit by major and some do not.

Basically if enough spots open within a specific major or College, then they will pull from the waitlist.

B.S., Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. I chose to apply for the environmental engineering program for my secondary major choice.

My grade point average is pretty high, around a 4.2 UC Capped.

UC Davis admits into the College of Agriculture and Environmental Science so after May 1, if there are not enough enrolled students in that College to meet their target projections, they will pull from the waitlist.


Would you say that historically, this college admits more students off the waitlist compared to the college of engineering or letters & science?

I have not really analyzed the waitlist admit majors since the schools do not officially list the majors pulled from the waitlist, only what students post on the social media sites, but in general the College of Engineering usually has the least amount of admits and the College of L&S the most since the majority of majors are found in L&S.

You are welcome to review previous waitlist threads to see if there is a pattern. You have to remember each year can vary so it all comes down to what are UC Davis’s priority in filling their Freshman class.


Thank you so much!

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Son not accepting UCD mechanical engineering waitlist spot. He got admitted to UCSD, UCI and UCLA all mechanical engineering. Really confused since he did COSMOS at UCD and wrote about it in TWO of the PIQs. I understand that each campus does independent review, but it seems so random. Two years ago, my older son was rejected from UCD, but accepted at UCSD, UCI, UCSB and UCLA(waitlisted then admitted) he applied non STEM majors at all schools. Both sons were top of their respective classes. The only thing I can GUESS is that essay readers from NorCal have a very different eye than SoCal. Curious how son’s Berkeley decision will be on the 30th. Older son was rejected from Berkeley.


May I know what’s your location? Southern CA?

Attending COSMOS at a specific campus does not give him an extra bump in admissions for that particular campus but it does standout as a wonderful EC for any UC reviewing his application.

Does anyone know if a student takes courses at the community college this summer and they are offered admission off of the waitlist if the CC classes disqualifies them as a freshman admit?

No, you can take CC courses the summer after graduating HS and still be considered a Freshman applicant. If the student takes CC courses in the regular academic year (Fall/Winter/Spring), then they would be considered a Transfer.


Great, Thank you!

Is neuroscience/biology a very competitive major? My daughter got waitlisted at UCD, UCSD and UCI. She was pretty sad and frustrated. She got 4.0 unweighted and 4.25 capped UC weighted. Decent essays, many ECs and hundreds of community hours. Not sure about the chance to get off of the waitlist.

For UCD, the College of Biological Sciences admits into the College vs by major. Neurobiology is the 2nd most popular major in the College of Biological Sciences behind straight Biological Sciences.

Chances from the waitlist are based on how many students enroll by May 1 and where there are open spots. This varies from year to year so there is no way to determine if a student will be admitted.

Hopefully with UCB and UCSB decisions still pending, she might have a good UC option. Did she apply to other UC’s or Cal states?

Thank you for the information!

My daughter is more into Neuroscience so for UCD and UCSD, applied major is neuroscience. For UCs that don’t have neuroscience major like UCI, UCSB and UCB, she applied for biology. So far she got accepted at UCSC, SJSU and Cal Poly.

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Great stats. Biology is a popular major for pre-med students, so it gets crowded.

My S23 (4.22 capped UC GPA) is waitlisted at UCD (BioChem & MCB) & UCSD (Bio:Informatics) but got BioMed Engg at UCI. S23 is clear about not doing pre-med but will have to compete for the same admit spots. He tried to clarify his intentions in the essays but not sure how the Bio schools within UCs view non-pre-med vs pre-med bio students. UCI has pre-med major and non-pre-med major for BME, so it was helpful.


So Cal