UC Davis Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Biological Sciences

D23 was denied UCD, WL at UCSD, accepted UCR, UCM.
NorCal public HS
UW 3.79, UC-W 4.05
3AP, 2H in 10-11
Stats improved considerably in 12 grade first semester: As in all 4 APs
new significant EC achievement in 2023

would her recent achievement / grades make a compelling case for UCD appeal?

The basis for an appeal should show that the student is stronger than originally presented in the UC application. Most schools assume that the student will maintain competitive grades in their Senior year or risk being rescinded. For recent achievements it would depend upon what they are? National recognition?

Most appeals that are approved have dealt with medical issues or extenuating family hardship which hampered the students ability to perform to their academic potential.

From the UC Davis website:

Can I appeal my admission decision?
Appeals are rarely granted. Consideration for appeals is based on new and compelling information, extenuating circumstances and your overall academic record. As part of your appeal, you must include a statement describing your special circumstances, as well as any additional documents such as unofficial academic records and letters of recommendation. All appeals and supplemental documentation must be submitted online—interviews are not granted and appeals received through any other channel will not be considered.

Thank you!!!

[quote=“Gumbymom, post:83, topic:3630653”]
Most appeals that are approved have dealt with medical issues or extenuating family hardship which hampered the students ability to perform to their academic potential.
[/quote] – Does not apply.

It’s mostly a case of improved grades with challenging / rigorous subjects in senior year and city / county level recognition in a EC related to intended major.

There is no harm in appealing if she feels strongly about the denial.

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Is it worth/appropriate to put in new awards in the additional info section? My daughter was waitlisted for Visual Arts, but UC Davis didn’t require a portfolio. She’s taken art all four years and has two 5’s on her AP portfolios. More recently, she was awarded 3 Gold Keys on her art regionally and, as of yesterday, received National Medal from Scholastic (only 1% of entries get a national medal). If she weren’t majoring in art, not sure it would be worth including, but since she is - would it make sense to update, or is this irrelevant information to the admissions committee?

If there is no specific directions on what to list in the additional information section, I would update with her additional achievements.

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I was waitlisted for first choice aerospace engineering and second choice mechanical engineering. Does UC Davis also admit through the College of Engineering?

UCD admits by major into the College of Engineering and only occasionally considers alternate majors and rarely if both are in the Engineering college.

I understand that waitlist admit rates are impossible to accurately predict, but I’m just trying to get some sort of understand if I have a good chance of getting off the waitlist. Are there any reasonable assumptions I can pull from being waitlisted as an engineering applicant?

Sorry no way to predict. It all depends upon how many students SIR by May 1.


got waitlisted for CS. anyone have any idea on the acceptance rate for cs in the 2022 cycle for davis?

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UC’s do not breakout waitlist admit data by major but based on past years, very low.

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do you know how many seats are given to engineering students? or more specifically, incoming aerospace and mechanical majors?

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The # of spots are determined by how many admitted students enroll by May 1 so there are no specific seats allocated to any specific major until all the SIR’s are completed. UC Davis like all the UC’s will fill spots based on their institutional needs which changes from year to year. You are welcome to scour the previous year’s waitlist discussion to determine how many Engineering students were admitted off the waitlist but CC is only one of several social media sites where students post their information.

Everyone on the waitlist need to treat it as a rejection, SIR to another school and move on. If admitted off the waitlist, then it is icing on the cake if UCD is your top choice.


When evaluating applicants on the waitlist, does UC Davis consider your final senior spring semester grades? (I’m just scared that a few B’s will hurt my chances of getting off the waitlist)

Since they asked for an grade update, I am sure they will be considered in trying to determine whom they admit off the waitlist. A couple of B’s probably won’t tip the scales either way.


Does Davis send a confirmation email or Waitlist website status change once you accept a position on the waitlist?

No one that has opted into the waitlist has gotten a confirmation. Not sure if there is a status change on the student portal, but there will be if admitted off the waitlist along with an email.

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Yes. The portal changes to ‘Waitlist Confirmation’ and then a paragraph below that says ‘Thank you for accepting our waitlist offer’.