UC Davis Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Quick question: The Davis portal waitlist instructions only seem to ask for fall grades. They say, “Step 1: Update your fall grades and include your planned or in-progress coursework using the the Reporting Changes form.” Is there a request to report predicted spring grades somewhere else? Thank you!

I do not believe they need predicted grades.

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Another poster asked for estimating Spring grades however according to other waitlisted applicants they only need Fall grades and a list of Spring In-Progress coursework so possibly a misunderstanding.


Any idea when the waitlist decisions for UCD start trickling in?

Normally, waitlist decisions will start after the May 1 SIR deadline. You need to SIR to another school until you hear.

UCD waitlist had an admit wave starting on May 5, 2022. Closed on June 10.


Hi - I have a question about how to enter grades: when filling out the fall 2023 application for Davis, we didn’t have to enter any + or - letter grades, example B+ or A-, just entered B or A. However, now it seems that we have to enter + or -. Does that mean we need to update the entire transcript or only enter current grades with + or -.

I GOT IN TO UC DAVIS FROM WAITLIST !! i’m so happy i’m gonna cry


Daughter was just admitted off wait list for communications. We had a great visit at Cal Poly for open house/admit weekend, so I think she is still leaning there.


congratulations !!

which major and how did you find out?

email haha + sustainable env design is my major


My OOS daughter got off of the wait list today for communications major… 5 minutes after sending a deposit to SDSU. She declined UCI, UCSC and Cal Poly SLO. I hope it’s not a mistake but she is sticking to her Aztec guns


Same! I’m so scared that this is a glitch. It’s my D’s dream school. The printable letter was dated 3/10.

I’m going to pay because I really want this to be real and if I pay and they accept it surely this is not a dream.

With the UCD OOS costs, SDSU is an more affordable option and comparable academics. Go Aztecs!


We’re stunned and scared at the same time. Scared because I tend to be a pessimist and hope it’s not a glitch. This is my D’s dream school.

yeah! i’m so surprised that they released this early haha. it appears that i don’t have the traditional 7 day deadline to accept, it just says that i need to SIR by may 1st

besides riverside, this is my only acceptance in the uc system (wlisted at sc, irvine, sd) so it’s hard to believe that it’s real


The letter in the portal was dated 3/10 so today if it’s truly not a glitch for us, must be the first wave. And I really thought they would wait until after they determined who paid a deposit.

I wish we had gone to the admitted events day. Are there any other days we can attend? Should we self tour?

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Yes you’re right, I didn’t see 7 days. Did you print out the letter in the portal? I don’t normally do this but I want to hold the letter in my hand. D was admitted to UCM UCR and UCI but we’re in the Bay Area and would really like her to stay closer plus UCD seems like the exact sort of college town that we all would like. And she has church friends that are there now.


They still have admitted student tours but openings only for weekdays. You could call the campus tour office and ask if you could just show up and hopefully they can accommodate you on a tour for the weekend.


Based on past years, it seemed to me that UCD under admitted this year but it is difficult to determine when just looking at the social media sites.


Congratulations to all that have been admitted off the waitlist.


this is what my letter says (mine also says 3/10):

If there are tours, I would visit the campus on a tour and just browse the general area if you haven’t before; it’s actually a really nice campus! I’ve gone to picnic day before and it’s basically like an open house tour and I really enjoyed that as well (they showcased some of their school, which includes liquid nitrogen sorbets, cockroach racing, dog racing, and a parade, just to name a few). I don’t see any events on my portal save for the typical “download these virtual kits and connect with '27 students,” i think admitted students day already happened