UC Davis Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Omg, thank you so much. I am ready for the “vomit” emoji here. But all smiles on the surface

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My Son got off from waiting list. He is very happy. Major is Mathematical & Scientific Computation. We submitted SIR.


Happy to see the waitlist moving. Staying in Southern California and declined offer today. Really love this school and anyone accepting is lucky to go.


My son was admitted today off of the waitlist - civil engineering. :partying_face:


Just FYI last year was the same. The first wave of admits (first day) received letters dated the same day as the original admits. Congrats!

Post that, additional admits had letters with different dates.


Also! The prospective student tour is nearly identical to the admitted students tour. We got in off the waitlist last year and couldn’t get an admitted tour, so we signed up for the prospective student tour. They confirmed it’s basically the same thing – and then we just did our own walking tour after that.


Daughter got off the waitlist yesterday for College of Letters & Science, undeclared in Humanities. If she wasn’t going to UC Berkeley she would have accepted Davis.


For those admitted off the waitlist - did you receive an email or have to check portal?

Email notification


i haven’t gotten off the waitlist yet, do you guys think there’s going to be another wave before may 1st?


Congratulations! Which major?

Post number 110 from the poster “email haha + sustainable env design is my major”

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Any CS majors getting off the waitlist yet?

Have there been any movement on the UC Davis waitlist for fall 2023?

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Yes, a few admits on April 18, 2023.

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Which majors??

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do you think there will be another wave today since it has been a week since the first wave and it’s a week from the SIR deadline?

Communications, Math & Scientific Computation, Sustainable Env Design, Civil Engineering are the majors listed on this discussion.

Edited: Also Undeclared L&S Humanities.


It depends upon how many waitlisted admits accepted and what spots are still open. If there are going to be more waitlist admits, probably after May 1 since the current admits have until May 1 to accept.

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Thanks for sharing…

Sorry, i thought I saw these majors on UCI thread… got the two mixed up.

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