UC Davis Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

No one has posted on this discussion with a waitlist admit into Mechanical Engineering.

These are the majors that were accepted which posted on CC.

Communications, Math & Scientific Computation, Sustainable Env Design, Civil Engineering and Undeclared L&S Humanities.

You might want to check other social media sites.

I heard some people got off Davis waitlist a couple mins ago?

Got accepted today!



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Congrats! What major?

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I did not receive any email from ucd
Just check the portal at about 2:30

Thanks! I apply for sociology

just got accepted off the waitlist for wildlife, fish, and conservation biology as an instate!!! congrats to everyone else who got in WOOOOOO


Congrats! Did you receive an email?

sort of. i only found out because they sent me an email about my financial aid award and i was like “??? huh” and then i connected the dots, so i checked the portal and saw that i got in!

Could Davis be approaching its enrollment quota since so few students were accepted this wave?

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I wish the campus would share some information about where they are in terms of enrollment. It’s hard for students to psychologically commit to one university and then be surprised or to hold on to hope for good news from the university they are waitlisted at.


My son was just admitted off the WL. Out of state. L&S


Congratulations! Did your son receive an email or did he find out by checking the portal?

He received an email that there was an update and when he went into his portal, the acceptance letter was there.


My daughter just admitted. One week to decide. She accepted to UCI but Davis is closer to home.


My son is waitlisted for CS and is waiting to get off of it.
Those who got/get off the waitlist, please provide the major too.


what is her major? Congratulation!

My kid got into sociology- organizational studies
Got an email first to check financial and scholarships at 2:05pm
Acceptance was in portal🎉
Then a congrats email at 3:32pm

Will decline because already committed to UCSD and got also off the waitlist to UCLA.

In state.


Daughter got in off waitlist today.

Had an email in her inbox when she came home. Cinema and Digital Media.

She still wants to go to UCSC though because they have better game design options.