***UC Davis Freshman Waitlist Stats/Information/Discussion***

Has anyone else heard? Seems odd that only a couple people have updated that they heard back…

Sorry, assume its a wave based on prior years where it seemed to come once per week for a few weeks.

Major was BIO. Since we were the first to post I HOPED it was a wave for the group waiting.

Hi everyone, I accepted my place on the UC Davis waitlist and I’m really hoping to get in. I was wondering who else has been waitlisted and for what majors. Also if anyone has information on chances of being admitted off the waitlist that would be much appreciated. I’m not sure if I should SIR at another UC I got into because I’m pretty set on Davis so if anyone has advice on that I’d appreciate that as well. Thanks!

Got off the waitlist about two hours ago for Biological Sciences.

Just got an email. Off the waitlist for biological sciences.

Just got off the waitlist! They sent me an email! I have absolutely no idea what I want to do now omg i’m still waiting on two more but i also really like where i committed

@destes What is your major?

Got in from waitlist 4.1 GPA 34 ACT Score Major: Psychology

S got into waitlist thru email notification, I believe his major is sociology

Just got off for neurobiology, physiology, and behavior! Still waiting on the UCLA waitlist but will most likely go to Davis.

admitted for international relations

Just checked I didn’t get off the waitlist yet. It seems like people from several colleges got in, so it seems like it’s not by major. Idk what’s going on, but i’m worried now I won’t get in.

Davis admits by division within a college so I assume they are doing that…

Got off the waitlist at around 2:30 pm for biochemistry & molecular biology!

GOT OFF for Neurophysiology and Behavior! Won’t go but MAN OH MAN am I pumped! 1490 SAT and thought I had great essays going in and then I wrote this essay genuinely as well and I got off the waitlist! So happy!

I got an email saying I got accepted off the waitlist at 4:15pm and I got in for Biological Sciences and I’m in state!

@Tiredwaiting2019 neurobiology, physiology, and behavior

Got an email @ 4:51pm! Accepted instate into neurobiology, physiology & behavior. Got waitlisted from 4/6 UCs (UCI, UCSB, UCSD & UCD) I applied to & rejected from Cal & UCLA with a 4.2 GPA & 32 ACT. Glad I’ve finally gotten into one

Son got the Congratulations e-mail at 4:45 today. Chemical Engineering, GPA 3.8, SAT 1380.

Just got in off the waitlist
GPA: 4.4
SAT: 1290
Major: environmental science and management
will be attending UC Berkeley