***UC Davis Freshman Waitlist Stats/Information/Discussion***

Is it in waves, I still have nothing, and can. I appeal if denied

D got in off the waitlist. 4.19/35/CogSci/In State … she is all pumped up…

@karmol My son is a freshmen in UCD for cognitive science, if your child has any question then please pm me. BTW ask your child to take computer entrance test as soon as they join, there is a deadline for it. If they miss that deadline they need to then do a pre-req course for a quarter. We did not know that entrance test is offered only once a year when college starts and he was forced to take a pre-req in a quarter before applying for higher levels

Does anyone know if they’re gonna be releasing another wave this week? The anxiety is literally killing me.

I’m guessing not. I’m guessing they are done for the most part. I hope you don’t literally die…

@ImASoccerPlayer I called admission and they said there will probably be a second wave. There has been in most pervious years. What makes you think they are done?

@Jason101200 Did they mention if the second wave was going to roll out this week? Or do they just release waves whenever?

@whimsicaljess They weren’t certain, but they said it would very likely be this week. Likely sometime in the next few days.

@jason101200 so you called them and they said there will ‘probably’ be a second wave and it is ‘likely’ this week? Ok, well I am skeptical other than maybe 1 or 2 more people getting in…

Got off waitlist last Monday 4/06 - Chemistry in College of Letters and Science
SAT: 1280
GPA (unwighted): 3.8 (taken mostly at cc level)
ECs: excellent (prestigious government scholarship + 3 summers of lab research)

Good luck everyone! and congrats to admits :slight_smile:

We are on waitlist, have heard nothing so far. If someone else hears affirmative or negative please post.
DD was waitlisted UCD, UCSD, UCI. Rejected from UCSB and Berkeley, did not apply to UCLA.
SIRed to Santa Cruz but this was not first choice. Got off waitlist at a private, she will go there if doesn’t get into UCI or Davis. Santa Cruz is not the right school for her.

Anyone here back today? I heard somewhere that a wave can put today, but i’m not sure. I have yet to hear anything.

I got in off the waitlist today for undeclared social sciences with a 1360 SAT and a 4.1! I am an instate student.

Got a congratulation email this afternoon at 14:20 pm, got into a mechanical engineering major. will attend UC Davis. good essay, 3.9 unweighted GPA. Internation student, in-state.

I still have not gotten in. It says “waitlist confirmation” on my portal. Does this mean I got rejected? How likely do you think it is that they’ll have a third wave?

Nope, they still reviewing yours. And when I called the undergrad admission office they said the decision might release on the last day of June. Wish you good luck~

Our son got off the waitlist yesterday afternoon into his chosen major, Economics. He has a 4.05 UC GPA and an SAT of 1410.

Got taken off the waitlist on Friday for Cinema and Digital Media
3.9 GPA
1210 SAT
Really torn now to be honest

Do they do third waves?

I thought I read they don’t rank their waitlist; they re-review. Then I read about a point system - do they just use original points? I also read sometimes they miss things, like leadership points or whatever … Do they read the additional essay?