I am tagging to UC Davis this fall as a Biological Sciences major. The tag agreement requires that I maintain a 3.2 or higher overall GPA which I have. However, it also requires to maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher within each of the Math, Chem, and Bio prerequisites for the major. I have 2.5 or higher in both the Chem and Bio series. However in math, I have 2.0 GPA since this last spring I failed Calc 2 with a D and got a B in Calc 1. I am retaking Calc 2 right now and I believe I can get an A. By retaking this class, my Math GPA will be above the required 2.5 after this semester. I am applying for tag this semester so I am going to have to report I got a D and am currently retaking it. Will I be denied my tag because of this D even though I am retaking the course? Any help is appreciated.
TLDR: Applying for tag this semester but got a D in Calc 2, a required prereq for my major. I am retaking Calc 2 right now. Will my tag be denied?
From the online material it isn’t clear the gpa requirement must be met in order to apply for TAG; another reading is that it is the requirement you must meet at the end of your CC career. The webpage says
You are eligible for TAG if you have some of these courses in progress at the time you apply for TAG, so by similar reasoning the gpa requirement only applies at the end of your time at a CCC. Also Davis seems to imply this is the case since on their steps for TAG they say the last step is “Fulfill all remaining coursework and GPA requirements as outlined in your TAG agreement.”
@mikemac. Good catch and I agree that contacting UCD directly is the best option.
@MythoClast: I assumed that since you have to report the D even though you are repeating the course, TAG would be denied. Best to hear it from the source and please update when you get the answer.
Also UCD is one of the few UC’s that will let you know if your TAG is approved early after Nov. 15th while other campuses will post the TAG decision with their transfer decisions. Since the TAU update is not until January, UCD TAG decisions will be based on the information submitted now. This is my reasoning.