UC Davis vs. UCSD

<p>ManOfFaith just because you believe that doesn't make it so.</p>

<p>A look at the top 25 (1st tier) USNWR rankings of national universities shows</p>


<p>UCSD does not appear until 35 which places it solidly in the middle (2nd tier) of 26-50.</p>

<p>ManOfFaith was referring to the 3 tiers that equally divide the UC's into 3 groups of 3, which currently puts UCSD in the 1st tier on those terms.</p>

ManOfFaith just because you believe that doesn't make it so.</p>

<p>A look at the top 25 (1st tier) USNWR rankings of national universities shows</p>


<p>UCSD does not appear until 35 which places it solidly in the middle (2nd tier) of 26-50.


<p>It's true that it's a upper-midle tier within the UC system.</p>

<p>Here's the entire picture according to USNWR: (acceptance rates in parentheses for emphasis)</p>

<li> Cal (23.3%)</li>
<li> UCLA (23.6%)</li>
<li> UCSD (42.5%)</li>
<li> UCD, UCSB, UCI (58.6%, 55.6%, 54.6% respectively)</li>
<li> UCR (82.4%)</li>
<li> UCSC (82%)</li>

<p>As most logical people can see, there are natural breaks between the schools. Cal and UCLA are naturally close together in a clump; UCD, UCSB, and UCI in another, then UCR and UCSC in another. UCSD, however, doesn't quite fit into any of these clumps. It's around 10 rankings away from Cal and UCLA, but it is also 10 rankings away from UCD, UCSB, and UCI. It makes no sense to group it with either clumps. If anything, it is in a upper-middle-tier, a class of its own.</p>

<p>But wait, someone's going to cry foul: "ACCEPTANCE RATE DOESN'T TRANSLATE TO QUALITY OF ADMITS!1!" Well, then you're absolutely correct, let's move on to the actual stats of the students with data from here:</p>

<p>University</a> of California - Admissions</p>

<p>Cal: 4.18
UCLA: 4.15
UCSD: 4.07
UCI: 3.95
UCD: 3.94
UCSB: 3.94
UCR: 3.58
UCSC: 3.7</p>

<p>See a trend here? UCSD's average admit GPA is 0.1 above those of UCI, UCD, and UCSB, but also 0.1 below those of UCLA and Cal. The SAT follows roughly the same trend with UCSD being a class of its own. Grouping UCSD with UCD, UCI, and UCSB would give it too little credit and the other way too much.</p>

<p>Again, please post the bigger picture and not the partial truth, which puts things out of context and is misleading.</p>

<p>^ The GPAs of admitted students doesn't tell us much though, as we don't know the quality of students actually enrolling at the school. A better statistic would be to look at the GPA and SAT scores of enrolled students. From Fall 2008:</p>

<p>School|GPA|Combined SAT</p>

<p>UCB: 4.11, 1967
UCLA: 4.08, 1900
UCSD: 3.94, 1864
UCI: 3.82, 1743
UCSB 3.79, 1766
UCD: 3.79, 1743
UCSC: 3.54, 1704
UCR: 3.40, 1562
UCM: 3.41, 1544</p>

<p>You can, however, still see the tiers here. Also of note, the belief that UCSC and UC Riverside are on the same tier is antiquated too. UCSC has moved up in it's own zone and UC Riverside and UC Merced occupy the lowest tier.</p>

<p>UCSD is from a national ranking standpoint a 2nd tier university.</p>

<p>UCLA and Cal are 1st tier</p>

<p>What constitutes a first tier university? Top 25? Who says?</p>

<p>When I went to pre-med info session, advisers told us that, in a medical school standpoint, UCSD, along with D/SB/I, would be lumped in the 1st tier category?</p>

<p>Any truth to this?</p>

<p>honestly you're all coming off as somewhat ridiculous now.</p>

<p>as far as davis and uscd... im in a similar boat, but I know both are great. I've heard about davis being good at bio, and I'm sure UCSD is too.</p>


<p>Who defines the Tiers? In the purely UC standpoint, SD may not belong in the top tier, but neither does it belong in the middle tier either.</p>

<p>And from a national ranking standpoint? Whose national ranking? The ones we most commonly use, USNWR's rankings, clearly state that the top 130 schools in the country are ALL Tier 1 (Oddly enough, there's no Tier 2).
National</a> Universities Rankings - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report</p>

<p>So which national rankings were you referring to, collegemom16? At least provide a link, so we know your claims aren't baseless.</p>

<p>General prestige, believe it or not, in industry, nobody will tell the difference between UCSD or UCD. Don't lie to yourselves and treat UCD/UCSD as UCLA or UCB.</p>


<p>Before I thank you for thoroughly answering most of my questions, I'd like to ask something first. Were you actually offended enough to point out that I didn't point out dmission's point, when in reality I was not actually challenging your statements, just asking for you to clarify your point? Of course I know there are two sides to this "argument" but yours was the one that I wanted to ask about.</p>

<p>". So, get over your hurt feelings and post some facts and truths instead of misleading and made-up stuff. "</p>

<p>To be honest, I'm not hurt at all, and that was incredibly immature. In fact, I don't even understand why you insinuated that, and I did not bring up any new "facts" or "truths." I simply brought up points that I wanted you to further clarify, and that was it. The "inferior" point was also insinuated, and I also asked you to further clarify that. Are you sure you aren't directing this towards the other posters, who you mentioned in the past for bringing up biased information, which I do understand you feeling angry about?</p>

<p>If that final statement about "getting over my feelings" was directed towards me in particular, then I really don't think you understood the point of my post at all. However, I do thank you for answering my first questions, especially about the other posts, and I understand that you have some strong feelings and just want to bring some points to life. The thing is, that final blow, if that was even directed towards me, still doesn't show an entirely sincere tone of "bringing to the truth about UC Davis" so to speak. Personal attacks, directed towards me or anyone else, are completely unnecessary.</p>

<p>^ Serafina, when Tastybeef said that part about misleading and made-up stuff, I am sure he was referring to Dmission's completely false facts since that is what started the mess. Dmission trying to back himself up only led it into a deeper hole. </p>

<p>I agree with tastybeef's posts to an extent. I examine alot of Pro-Davis posters start to ramble about things that aren't true as if they convinced themselves that Davis is one of the best schools in the world. </p>

<p>No bashing of schools has really been done on this thread at all, something which people have been perceiving by mistake. It has been more of an attempt to fix irrational beliefs about their own school and give a reality check. </p>

<p>To make everyone happy, UCSD and UC Davis are not as well known as you convinced yourselves to think. Go anywhere out of California to find that not many people have even heard of UCD and UCSD and that some perceive them as just tag along UC's behind Berkeley and UCLA, which are far more well-known. Anyone can post websites and pages about research going on at such and such schools and read articles upon articles that will all say "There is a BRIGHT future for this University"... but please realize that most universities will try to boast the similar statements about a "new and upcoming" program that will bring their school to the top. </p>

<p>Be happy with the school you choose. There is no turning back once you are there. Just make the best of where you are and PLEASE DON'T try to make yourself feel better by posting false information about your school only to lure in prospecting students on a college discussion website. It's pathetic to others and it's pathetic to yourself. End of Story.</p>

<p>Current, 2009 UC Freshman Admit Profile: <a href="http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/2009/freshman_admit_profile_2009.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/2009/freshman_admit_profile_2009.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Excerpt (UC data below is ordered as follows: BK (Berkeley), DV (Davis), IR (Irvine), LA (Los Angeles), MC (Merced) RV (Riverside), SD (San Diego), SB (Santa Barbara), SC (Santa Cruz) and UW (University Wide), however, I was unable to format this post with each UC name over its respective number):</p>

<p>Fall 2009 California Freshman Admit Profile Page 1 of 4 (also '07 & '08)</p>

<p>Mean High School GPA (weighted, see note #2 below)
Fall 2007 4.15 3.89 3.93 4.13 3.56 3.60 4.05 3.90 3.66 3.79
Fall 2008 4.17 3.94 3.94 4.16 3.51 3.59 4.06 3.94 3.69 3.79
Fall 2009 4.16 4.00 4.01 4.17 3.54 3.63 4.09 3.92 3.76 3.82</p>

<p>2 High school GPA based on 10th and 11th grades, with a maximum of 8 honors bonus points. Based on self-reported information from the application.
NOTES: Data reported excludes missing values.</p>

<h2>* Data includes students who were offered admissions to Berkeley and San Diego for the Winter/Spring terms.</h2>

<p>2009 Mean SAT
Fall 2007 1993 1837 1829 1996 1621 1667 1933 1841 1748 1779
Fall 2008 1998 1851 1834 1988 1620 1654 1931 1845 1760 1777
Fall 2009 2012 1880 1866 1992 1611 1661 1955 1851 1787 1790</p>

<p>Fall 2009 California Freshman Admit Profile Page 2 of 4
*Data includes students who were offered admissions to Berkeley and San Diego for the Winter/Spring terms.</p>

<p>UC New California Freshman Admission Rates by Campus 2009 - <a href="http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/2009/fall_2009_admissions_table_4.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.ucop.edu/news/factsheets/2009/fall_2009_admissions_table_4.pdf&lt;/a> (also 2007 & 2008 at the link)</p>

<p>Note: *Data include students who were offered admissions to Berkeley and San Diego for Winter/Spring terms. The fall only admit rate for Berkeley is 23% for Fall 2009; and, the fall only admit rate for San Diego is 37.8% for Fall 2009</p>

<p>Admit Rate: Berkeley* 29.5%; Los Angeles 21.4%; San Diego* 38%; Irvine 42.8%; Davis 46.2%; Santa Barbara 48.4%; Santa Cruz 63.7%; Merced 79.1%; Riverside 79.8%; University wide 72.5%</p>

Before I thank you for thoroughly answering most of my questions, I'd like to ask something first. Were you actually offended enough to point out that I didn't point out dmission's point, when in reality I was not actually challenging your statements, just asking for you to clarify your point?


<p>I wasn't offended at all. That was a segue to the last thing I wanted to bring up: my posts are harsh in comparison to other posters', especially dmission's, because I don't post misleading and made-up things. The fact is, my posts are based on solid information that serve to bring down what other posters like to propagate about their school. In effect, whatever content I give out will carry a negative connotation and leave a bitter taste in most people's mouths.</p>

To be honest, I'm not hurt at all, and that was incredibly immature. In fact, I don't even understand why you insinuated that, and I did not bring up any new "facts" or "truths." I simply brought up points that I wanted you to further clarify, and that was it. The "inferior" point was also insinuated, and I also asked you to further clarify that. Are you sure you aren't directing this towards the other posters, who you mentioned in the past for bringing up biased information, which I do understand you feeling angry about?


If that final statement about "getting over my feelings" was directed towards me in particular, then I really don't think you understood the point of my post at all.


<p>That was not directed at you; you're reading too much into it. It was directed at other posters who try so hard to come up with awful and misleading things to promote their school with.</p>

Just make the best of where you are and PLEASE DON'T try to make yourself feel better by posting false information about your school only to lure in prospecting students on a college discussion website. It's pathetic to others and it's pathetic to yourself. End of Story.


<p>Yup. I couldn't agree more.</p>

<p>yes it finally ended !!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)</p>

<p>wow... 137 posts? If any of you guys were wondering, I submitted my SIR to UCSD already... I visited both schools, and I absolutely fell in love with UCSD. Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>great collegemom finally went away!</p>

<p>If I got into both schools, you can guess what kind of student I am.
But this is my personality:
I love nature, I like writing and reading on my free time, I sing everyday, and I do enjoy company and crowds but not for a long period of time. I’m not a “party” girl, I prefer being in a small group and having stimulating conversations. I guess I’m a “nerd”. But I also enjoy having fun, being around weird people, and laughing for no particular reason. </p>

<p>Why UCD: I got accepted for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and I want to go to Med school afterwards. It is about an hour from home. I’m very close to my family, and I would be able to go back home whenever I want to. Some people say you shouldn’t want to be at home so often when you’re in college but if I plan to go to Med school out of state which I probably will… Also I’ve visited the campus twice. It’s really…safe. It’s okay I guess. Comfortable. But nothing much is around and I prefer the city environment.</p>

<p>Why UCSD: I got accepted into Revelle College, but not for the Biochem major because it’s impacted. :confused: I don’t want to “discover new possibilities” cause I’ve already made up my mind. To have to re-think everything is so…stressful. I also get stressed out easily, haha. Also, San Diego is pretty far from the Bay Area so I wont be able to see my family or friends as often. But UCSD is ranked higher, and it might be more prestigious? But what if I don’t get into my major a year from now and the beach just isn’t enough for me?</p>

<p>I laughed when I read a post that said most UCSD students are Cal/UCLA rejects and I am too xD Well, I was waitlisted. I would honestly rather go to UCLA. It is my dream school. I just screwed up my SAT you know cause I didn’t take a course or anything, just bought a book and studied for a few hours… :frowning: </p>

<p>So I got into Dominican, Santa Clara U, University of Portland, and the above ^, should I even consider these colleges? Most of them were my safe schools. And money isn’t the problem because I’ve gotten pretty good financial aid packages. I’m still waiting for UCB (hah!), USC (doubt it), and Vassar <3 (my heart sighs for you, Vassar) </p>

<p>I should’ve applied to more schools in L.A…</p>

<p>@celina94 Oh, I’m also having a hard time making decision between these 2 schools. I got into the same major as you in UCD and undeclared in UCSD (Sixth). I live closer to ucsd though, well not really its 2 hours drive. I always wanted to go to Davis but its 8 hours away. I went to the Triton Day today and I don’t know is it just me or the campus was not as great as I expected. So yeah, I need people’s recommendation on this one cus i have to submit the SIR asap…</p>

i thought the campus was beautiful! (especially the surrounding area) i went to triton day too! had to drive for like 8 hrs lol. i think we’re in opposite circumstances regarding the distance. davis is like an hour away from me. I’ve been there twice, even played around in the dorms. the campus is very clean, comfortable, relaxing, trees… but there’s absolutely nothing much around. you’ll need to go into the city for that and i know they say ‘well we have two freeways running through our campus’ but I’d rather drive for a short while to the beach than drive to go to…Sacramento. but i didn’t like the dorms at ucsd…the revelle dorms are…bleh. did you see them? reminded me of motel 6…except for the windows, those were nice.</p>