UC Davis vs. UCSD

<p>lol at ucdavisparent11 it seems like it's tastybeef in disguise but then again maybe its not ;)</p>

<p>ucdavisparent11 ;)</p>

<p>You have 1 post.... credibility issues?</p>

<p>The point I was making with that information was on careers that an individual majoring in biology might pursue. It was general information and I could gather that kind of basic information from virtually thousands of places. I was discussing graduate school and undergraduate school biology majors and students applying into graduate school. tastybeef is absolutely correct to call me out for the mistaken attribution. I was doing too many things at once. With the number of posts I've made over many years I'm quite certain I've make mistakes. I doubt anyone on here who posts frequently is accurate 100% of the time. This is a message board and all of us do our best to be helpful.</p>

<p>If you care to ignore the overarching and salient point I was making about the other nonsense being posted in this thread that is your choice.</p>

<p>I read a lot about biology at both, but what about other majors?</p>

<p>lilweiglas that is once again a question of what environment you desire and since you are instate money depending on financial aid.</p>

<p>I suggest you go to the UC Davis website and to the UC Davis forum here. You can ask specific questions of students and read past threads.</p>


<p>I have a question, is it really necessary to put down UCD's biology program as "inferior?" I feel that ultimately detracts from the point of your argument, because if I was to use this as a reference thread to figure out if I really liked UCD or UCSD better, I wouldn't listen to someone who feels the need to put down a well-known university's department, through a subjective description, just to make a point. Sure, you can have evidence supporting your claims, but putting down a school based on your personal feelings does nothing for people who honestly don't rely on one person's definition of "mediocrity," especially in comparison to Princeton. Personally I'm not sure how it really is "mediocre" as you say..</p>

<p>It's also off-topic and not relevant to talk about "namebrand" of a UC Davis Biology department in comparison to Princeton's Biology. Now I understand that you were in response to collegemom16, but I thought the purpose of this thread was to help answer the OP's question. To be honest, was the OP was looking for a prestigious name to help impress employers? Would this argument about namebrand truly matter, especially if it's between UC Davis vs UC San Diego..?</p>

<p>There are many other factors just besides one department in the decision of a school, and I don't really understand your use of "inferior" or "mediocre" in this case, nor do I find it necessary. To be honest, if I was the OP, I wouldn't be sure about following some of these argument's points. I'm thinking about UC Davis vs UC San Diego, and I honestly do not truly see how some of this "information" is relevant. It was promising in the beginning when there were comparisons between other things besides the departments. If this was not your intention, I understand, but I kinda wish it would be back on topic..</p>

<p>I agree with jmilton90, although I'm looking forward to what UCR will look like in 50 years once its had enough time to develop.</p>

<p>Serafina my BIL attended UCR years ago and is now a successful and well-respected doctor in San Diego. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do well coming out of UCR.</p>

<p>I never said that UCR was a bad place to be? I'm just saying that UCR is a relatively new school, so I'd be interested in how the school culture develops - sorry if that wasn't clear enough. All UCs are great, it's nice to be in the top 100 :D</p>

<p>Yes it is congratulations!</p>

<p>" With the number of posts I've made over many years I'm quite certain I've make mistakes. I doubt anyone on here who posts frequently is accurate 100% of the time. This is a message board and all of us do our best to be helpful."</p>

<p>collegemom16 just jumped in my ladder of the people i have a lot of respect for in CC. ;)</p>

<p>collegemom16 - I'm actually still a junior, I haven't even filled out an application yet! So congratulations are appreciated, but not in order :D Much success and happiness to your BIL.</p>

I have a question, is it really necessary to put down UCD's biology program as "inferior?" I feel that ultimately detracts from the point of your argument, because if I was to use this as a reference thread to figure out if I really liked UCD or UCSD better, I wouldn't listen to someone who feels the need to put down a well-known university's department, through a subjective description, just to make a point.


<p>I have a question for you: Is it really necessary and honest to tout UC Davis as a school with a better biology program than UCSD when nothing shows this? Is it really necessary and truthful to call UCD's biology program "superior?" It's not. Every single "fact" or statistic posted has been factored into rankings and still UCSD came out on top in biology programs, except for evolution/ecology. </p>

<p>My intention has never been to sway the OP to go to one school or another. As I said before, I don't care where he/she goes as long as he/she makes an informed decision. Some of these posts have been posted by people who have no experience in the field, yet feel the need to aimlessly promote their school. It's unfair to both prospective students and UCSD students that these posters continually post these "facts" about UC Davis and say it is better than UCSD at biology. Furthermore, it's not very conducive to making an informed decision. I'm not trying to put down Davis to make UCSD look better, I'm simply giving UCSD the credit it deserves and probing the baseless claims made by overzealous posters.</p>

Sure, you can have evidence supporting your claims, but putting down a school based on your personal feelings does nothing for people who honestly don't rely on one person's definition of "mediocrity," especially in comparison to Princeton. Personally I'm not sure how it really is "mediocre" as you say..


<p>Sure, I can see how I may come off as putting down Davis. However, I assure you, this isn't based on my personal feelings but, as you said, evidence.</p>

<p>What about those who glorify Davis without any evidence other than random statistics that rankings have already covered and made-up facts? These people obviously have personal feelings for Davis and want to present it in a better light even though it's not entirely truthful.</p>

<p>And that piece about Princeton was a response to collegemom16 hardy disagreement that perceived prestige is helpful with impressing employers/grad schools. It was to prove that perceived prestige only really works for elite private schools and not public schools. It wasn't to boast about Princeton's program and make Davis' look bad.</p>

It's also off-topic and not relevant to talk about "namebrand" of a UC Davis Biology department in comparison to Princeton's Biology. Now I understand that you were in response to collegemom16, but I thought the purpose of this thread was to help answer the OP's question. To be honest, was the OP was looking for a prestigious name to help impress employers? Would this argument about namebrand truly matter, especially if it's between UC Davis vs UC San Diego..?


<p>If you read carefully, this perceived prestige deal was a follow-up to calibc's post (#82). To be honest, it was somewhat off-topic. But look at this thread, it's filled with nonsense and completely useless posts regarding veterinary programs (only for graduates) and the Aggie stadium.</p>

There are many other factors just besides one department in the decision of a school, and I don't really understand your use of "inferior" or "mediocre" in this case, nor do I find it necessary.


<p>I've never used the term "inferior" anywhere in this thread, in fact nobody has. But if you're going to interpret it as such, then wouldn't statements from dmission such as the one below infer that UCSD is "inferior?"</p>

smitapita, I really think you should visit the bio department, you'll see it's ahead of UCSDs by a considerable margin.


<p>And according to you, that shouldn't be necessary either. Yet, you don't call him out on it.</p>


<p>Look, I realize my posts come off as harsh, but they're factual and not based on personal feelings. I don't go around exclaiming that Davis is better than UCSD at biology when nothing shows this, just because I attend Davis. And since these statements about Davis' biology program aren't true, they shouldn't be here, much more so than off-topic true statements. It doesn't help anybody make an informed decision when there are those who throw out lies just so their school looks better.</p>

<p>Obviously, people will get butthurt and defensive when I point out facts. But guess, what, facts and truth matter. It's not a surprise that most university mottos include Veritas. It means "truth" in latin. So, get over your hurt feelings and post some facts and truths instead of misleading and made-up stuff.</p>


<p>1) I got into Davis and SD, into Revelle. I've been hearing bad things about Revelle's GEs and I'm scared to go there, especially because I don't want to go to Med Schhol (which it's famous for). WHICH ONE SHOULD I CHOOSE?</p>

<p>And I have a weird question that does kind of matters in my decision in choosing my school for the next 4 years.</p>

<p>2) Are there hotter (and more) brown people at UC Davis or UCSD?</p>



<p>1) If your going to be majoring in anything in the field of science, Revelle GE's will not be a problem. The writing course really is the only thing people struggle at, but know this, you're not alone. Go into college with a positive mind. You haven't even experienced it yet and you're already scared. Who knows you could be those people screwing up the damn curve.</p>

<p>2) I'm guessing you're Indian, based of your username. UCSD has a substantial amount of Asians, Indians included. There are some really hot Indian girls, but not too many, imo. There's also the Filipino community if you're interested. I'm Filipino so I may be biased, but there are some hot filipinas here.</p>

<p>Damn im really feelin tastybeef's last post - it makes a lot of sense</p>


<p>^ Of course it does.</p>

<p>do we need to go 8 pages on two mid-tier UCs?</p>

<p>ok jmilton90 and tastybeef, do you really feel better about yourselves by tearing down other schools and their reputations? All UC schools are amazing, Davis and San Diego are actually tied for third. I suggest you think carefully before you speak (well technically, write).</p>

<p>I strongly agree with serafina. Good luck on your apps! :)</p>

<p>Actually Davis is tied for fourth with Irvine and Santa Barbara.-USNWR</p>

<p>UCSD is upper-tier.</p>

<p>Just ringing in about the whole research/project scientist issue:</p>

<p>In the US, it seems to have a general hierarchical structure very similar to tenure-track professorships.</p>

<p>To ultimately become a "Professor" or "Research Scientist", a Ph.D. is usually required, except in extreme circumstances. From there, one generally works in a post-doc position for x amount of years--depending on the field and quality of work. After that, the tier-system of assistant -> associate -> professor/scientist comes into play.</p>

<p>There are lots of other opportunities, just like any other job. One can be a lecturer at a CC or sometimes universities with just an MA/MS, and one can always find an entry-level position as a lab/research technician with just a BA/BS. However, nowadays with more competitive applicants gunning for research positions, the Ph.D. is the gold standard just about a requirement.</p>