Why do UC schools calculate GPA different? How does it work, and does it make your actual GPA irrelevant when applying to UC schools? Also, is an a- bad (why does it bring down the UC GPA)? Thanks!

They recalculate GPA to standardize it.

Lots of other schools do so, but do not publicize what their formulae are.

Can I ask another question? If my school offers IB is it bad if I didn’t take part in it? Does it look like I’m not challenging myself?

Here is a link for the UC GPA calculator. This calculator assumes a maximum of 4 year long or 8 semesters of AP/IB or DE courses along with in-state CA UC approved Honors courses for the Capped Weighted UC GPA. UCLA/UCB also use the Uncapped Weighted UC GPA with unlimited honor points in the calculation.


Does your school offer AP and IB or just IB? The UC’s do put an emphasis on HS course rigor so if the top students at your HS are doing the IB program, it can impact your chances.

+/-'s are not used in the UC GPA calculation so an A- is an A worth 4 points in the calculation.

Yes, there are AP classes, which I am more involved with. Does one look better than the other? Will I not get in due to not being in IB? @Gumbymom

No, one is not better than the other since both are considered rigorous. If you took AP’s over IB’s, then it will not matter.