<p>To the OP: Congratulations! It appears you’ve really turned yourself around! Unfortunately, I’m not sure if you’ll qualify for a TAG but try anyway. The worst that can happen is they deny the TAG and your application is treated as a regular app. That said, some UCs have different requirements about things than others, so be careful! Some will want a minimum GPA across your major prereqs too ;)</p>
<p>I think the fact you’ve managed to turn things around will help you immensely, and using whatever did get you to turn around on your admission essay will help show you’re dedicated to your subject and truly enjoy it. Best of luck!</p>
<p>BTW, I think your UC transferable GPA is what really matters. That, and UCI does sometimes state the minimum GPA for major prereqs; that also will matter! A 1.7 GPA is not in good standing? Ugh I dunno man, I think your chances will be decent even without the TAG, especially since you’ll have full IGETC and it sounds like all prereqs satisfied, too. </p>
<p>Lemaitre, the CCC->CSU/UC transfer option saves the butts of a lot of people that either drop out or fail out of a CSU or UC on their first try out of high school. </p>
<p>Transfer students don’t have that luxury - you screw up and you’ve probably accumulated too many units to try that again. Since transfer students only get in if they’ve finished most or all of their lower division classes, they get to deal with moving, their first time at a university, AND upper division classes in their first quarter. If they aren’t dealing with upper division classes, they’re probably still going to be dealing with a weeder or two. </p>
<p>That’s not even talking about just how hard it is to get up to transfer status - does your major require you to take chem, organic chem, or the calculus physics series? Good luck getting in those classes! Even in the UCs, it’s beginning to become a lottery to get into some of those classes. </p>
<p>On the first 3-4 lectures for my last 4 math classes, there were approximately 60 people sitting down… and another 40 people standing in the back of the room hoping to get into the class. Shoot, this was common with chem classes. </p>
<p>Financial aid was also interesting at my college; You had to sign up early in the year, miss the deadline? Sorry! Need to submit documentation? Ok, here’s a 1 hour line, and when you’re done it’ll take about a month or two to get the financial aid. I was thankful to have it, but it really did take forever.</p>
<p>You also had to go in at 9am to get a counseling appointment, and if you weren’t, you’d have to come back the next day as they filled up that quick (2 weeks in advance). </p>
<p>Compared to going to a UC, you don’t really get much of a support net, so it’s no surprise that it would be a tougher journey. Even then, the community colleges are the first step into higher education for most people, and a last resort for others! This way, everyone gets another shot at it - including you, if you manage to screw it up. </p>
<p>Seriously though, it’s not like you’re given a free ride and can blow off class - my calc/physics/chem classes were just as hard, if not harder than the ones that I’ve taken at the UC I’m at! I still get compliments on the quality of my lab reports and some of my smarter buddies still come to me for help
<p>Nice job on the trolling.</p>