UC race-blind?

Okay so I am an Asian-American, and I just read a positive article about the UC boards being race-blind. Which is great, for me, right?
Well…then I read a disturbing article about how being Asian-American puts me at a major disadvantage. And I know this is partially true because of the really high standards expected of all Asians in general.

I happened to have put that I was Asian-American in a personal statement in my UC application. With the huge amount of Asians in the UC demographics, do you think they will disregard my application? I don’t have stellar, perfect 2400 SAT scores or anything, but they’re pretty decent and up to all UC standards. I just wanted to know if being Asian-American (oh, and out of state!) would be horrific, especially when the admissions are race-blind and I stupidly added that I was Asian-American. Haha.

Okay. Just let me know, please. :slight_smile:

Legally, the UC’s are supposed to be race blind. But this UCLA professor who served on UCLA’s faculty oversight committee for admissions claims UCLA is violating the law and is considering race: