UC Reputations

<p>What are some reputations that pertain to certain UC campuses?</p>

<p>(ex: UCSB is considered to be the party UC)</p>

UCI = Dumb Hot Girls
UCB = Death for EECS majors
UCSD = Somewhat nerdy but good surfing & Tijuana
UCD = Huge bio department
UCSC = Superchill</p>

<p>these are just general impressions of course.. not trying to slight anyone haha</p>


<p>i like your break down, rydah.</p>


<p>Nice job, rydah.</p>

<p>nice job brian, nice job cjue</p>

<p>nice job guys. nice brian, nice cjue, nice wilsonc...everything is so nice.</p>

<p>ucsb = party
ucsc = smoke a bunch of weed
uci = lots of asians
ucr = school of rejects, everyone and their mom got in. seriously.
ucb = liberals.</p>

<p>i actually heard that ucla girls arent that hot.
and ucsd has ugly girls and no fun.</p>

<p>howse the yellow bus system reputations of each school yellowbusrydah?</p>

<p>uhhh... for sure more people at Riverside ride the short bus than at any other UC</p>

<p>2 things.</p>

<p>I have only met one actually mentally handicapped person during my stay here at UCR. (and i think she got a 2100 on her SAT lol)
And no, my mother did not get in.</p>


<p>on an actual note, u guys forgetting about merced?</p>

<p>Seiken, just curious, but did you actually choose Riverside, or was it your only option?</p>

<p>If you chose UCR, why?? Is your home close to Riverside or something? </p>

<p>Why else would anyone choose to go there and pass up higher ranked UC's unless they got rejected by all of them? </p>

<p>Just wondering :confused:</p>

<p>CE Man,
Do you realize that your comments and questions come across as rude and/or arrogant? Or are you simply so insecure that you find the need to say intentionally insulting things?</p>

<p>I am not one to jump in on these conversations when I don't have anything positive to contribute, but these young men and women (and I'm sure you as well) are going through a very stressful period right now, and your comments only seem to elevate this stress. Try to put yourself in other posters' shoes.</p>

<p>On the contrary I don't think they seem rude at all, Riverside is commonly viewed as one of the worse UCs (whether that's true or not is debatable) and I can understand wanting to know why someone would choose that college (scholarships, location, big fish in little pond, etc.) over one that is viewed as better.
And Seiken, IMO, was overreacting a bit, it's quite obvious that these reps. are meant to be purely for amusement and not meant to portray what a college is 100% really like.</p>

<p>i was overreacting? lol I was being mildly sarcastic and just joking about it.</p>

<p>But to answer your questions, the other UCs i got into were the others that I applied to, Berkeley and Los Angeles. However, had UCR not given me a full tuition scholarship, I would have gone to neither; they were both my backups for 'greater institutions' which turned out to be too pricey in the end. Ironically I only applied to UCR to make my ex-girlfriend happy, and i dumped her before I even got my acceptance. oh wells....</p>

<p>If one might wonder why someone would choose us over upper tier UCs, you just have to look at some of our programs, such as our Thomas Heider Program. The overall name of a school isnt important, nor is its overall ranking when going into specifics. Why do you think CalPoly SLO is actually viewed well by people? I would go further into that but I feel like I would be wasting my time. </p>

<p>On an actual serious note about above said comments, UCR might not be ranked up with the other UCs, but I would refrain from calling it a "school of rejects."</p>

<p>And no, his comments were not rude, they just had a decent amount of ignorance bottled up in them.</p>

<p>Didn't mean to offend you, that was just my immediate reaction. To me, your post, even if only joking, was sort of like posting "of course not all Asians have bad accents" in the thread about all the stereotypes Asians get (lame analogy, first thing that came to mind), sort of obvious and a bit touchy and a downer on the mood. </p>

<p>CC is pretty much in a bubble, before I moved, the college I was planning on going to (KU) was similarly ranked, slightly worse actually, but I never considered it a bad college at all. Though, I wouldn't suggest going to a worse college solely because a specific program is better unless you're absolutely set on going into that major.</p>

<p>the only problem with that is how subjective 'worse college' is from person to person. Granted you could be a drone and go only by the US News Rankings, but typically it goes deeper than those numbers. </p>

<p>And i viewed my post more as a:</p>

<p>Crowdl: Bobby is a serial rapist
Bobby; Hey now, ive only raped one girl, lets not get carried away with ourselves. </p>

<p>I thought the mother comment made the sarcasm abundantly clear.</p>

<p>I know, but even if many other things make a college more attractive or better for you, I'm pretty sure if an average person was asked, they'd say that UCLA or Berkeley is a "better" college than Riverside. And that matters quite a bit in getting a job, grad school, how people view you, etc.</p>

<p>Your post still comes off as half-serious to me, but eh, well, I've always sucked at picking up things. So is your name Bobby? ;)</p>

<p>No. I changed it after I got caught. Tried as a minor ftw!</p>

<p>And as for the how people view you thing and your employment. I would imagine people are quite easily impressed with a 4.0 from UCR. Sure people lower their expectations when they hear I go to UCR (maybe they do iunno), but that has a tendency of changing when I show them my 25 unit schedule and the 5 A+s and 3 As I got on my midterms.</p>

<p>I can imagine bashing a school because of a sports rivalry...</p>

<p>Psh, should have done something better if you were a minor.</p>

<p>Wow, congrats on that <em>is impressed</em> though practically any 4.0 (as long as it's not in like elementry school) is reasonably impressive.</p>