UC Riverside Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

I agree, it’s strange that UCR is making offers to kids that didn’t even apply there while there are so many on the waitlist who actually applied and really want to attend.

Still haven’t heard anything anyone else hear anything or know when they gonna release if you got in or not?

friend of mine got off the waitlist last week. Gave him 7 days to decide.

WHich Major ?

not sure, but pretty sure not any type of engineering.

Still haven’t made it off Waitlist has anyone else? low key getting kinda worried

Are the 2022 preliminary numbers just predictions? Also, do the numbers include transfers?

The 2022 final waitlist numbers from the CDS for Freshman only:

UCR Waitlist 2022:
Number waitlisted: 11882
Opt ins: 5769
Admits: 2282

When should they start releasing Admissions for “School of Business Administration”?

Any idea when the bulk of these admits happened in 2022?

Most of the waitlist admits for last year were on May 12, 2022.

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When will they start releasing admission this year

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??? I saw one admit on CC so far on May 16 I have not checked other social media sites. Admissions is the only ones that will know when decisions will be released.

Some of the waitlist results are out

Yes, I know but only one posted here and I am sure some on other sites. But as I stated not all admits will post on any site so difficult to determine how many have already heard.

Do you know how easy or difficult is it to change major in the same school (CNAS - UCR)

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Difficult of changing majors in CNAS may depend upon the major change but this is what is posted on the UCR website. So are you admitted off the waitlist and want to change or do you plan to try and change your major as a waitlisted student to see if you can get admitted?
Which major to which major?

Change of major requests can only be processed on day 1 of your in-person orientation experience. Major changes will not be processed after that. However, you may still work on changing to a new major during your first year. Please talk to your major advisor during the virtual advising/registration session if you are considering changing majors.

  • To declare a major, please review the change of major criteria located in each major advising page to confirm you are eligible to declare. Once you’ve confirmed you are eligible, then you can meet with the advisor for the major you want to declare (not your current major advisor) to discuss your plans and process the major change. Some majors offer Change of Major Workshops to declare instead of meeting with the major advisor individually; please check our Workshops page to see if this may be an option for the major you plan to declare.

FAQs | CNAS Undergraduate Academic Advising Center?

Some waitlist results are out. My daughter got off the waitlist today for Microbiology.


Yes, Was admitted off the waitlist today

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Congratulations! What time did you receive the notice?

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