UC Riverside Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Anyone know if they starting releasing acceptance towards the Business Administration Program?

Around 2 PM

Dam Iā€™m on the waitlist for that I havenā€™t heard anything yet is that a bad sign?

D got off the waitlist today - BioChemistry


Were you admitted into your choice major which was Data Science?

If the the Administration of Business released acceptance already wouldnā€™t they have released rejection as well because Iā€™m still on the same page as months ago

UCR has historically send out denials for all majors at the same time, just prior to closing the waitlist.

If by that logic people for the Business Administration program who didnā€™t hear anything all got rejected? Additionally are we for sure they released admission for that program

I have not seen any admits but that does not mean there was none. Many students do not post on this or any website.
No Decision= No Decision.

Until you get a final decision one way or another, there is always a chance however as time creeps on , you should be moving forward with your current school.

Just got off the waitlist yesterday (May 31st). My major was biology.

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Has anyone heard from the Business Administration Program?

I believe August 10?ā€” waitlists go out until the summer. The first day of instruction starts September 28, so definitely before then.

I was on the waitlist for Computer Science. This morning I received an email saying that Iā€™ve been admittedā€•but to Material Science and Engineering with an SIR deadline of June 24th. I didnā€™t apply for this major beforehand, only to Computer Science. I got on the phone with Undergraduate Admissions and the person I spoke with said this was probably because Computer Science is full. She said I could try to submit a major request to change to Computer Science, but I think thatā€™s highly unlikely to go through. Iā€™ll post an update once I get a response.

4.2 UC GPA
Pretty good essays
Meh extracurriculars


UCR is filling in their enrollment gaps by offering waitlisted students some open majors. Definitely pursue what is required to change majors and if it will be guaranteed. Best of luck.

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where did u initially commit?

Iā€™m committed to the University of Colorado Boulder for Exploratory Studies (Their undeclared program). Iā€™ll be trying to transfer into Computer Science, which is guaranteed provided I can keep my grades up. Iā€™m a California resident and I got on the CS waitlists at UCD, UCSC, and now formerly UCR. If any of those go through for me I would likely attend them over CUB

My son got the same thing after being waitlisted for CS. I was going to look into the difficulty of switching to CS there. At this point heā€™s far enough along in the process with the school he is committed to that I donā€™t think he will change his mind.

My son just tole me that he got the same thing, got off waitlist for Material Science and Engineering, he has no clue why he got accepted to this major, well he originally applied for CS.

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has anyone gotten off for data science?

Has anyone gotten off for robotics?