Uc san diego acceptance withdrawn

<p>After review of the final high school transcript UC SAN DIEGO withdrew an acceptance for Fall 2009. This was due to a "D"(actually numerical grade was a 71) received in AP ENGLISH COMPOSITION during the first marking period of Senior Year. A medical circumstance existed which was brought under control. The students final grade was a "74". Does anyone have any experience with appealing and what was the outcome?</p>

<p>Wow, they rescinded you because of ONE D? That’s unheard of. Go ahead and appeal, I think you have a strong case if your medical circumstance was severe. </p>

<p>My commiserations and good luck to you! I’m sure this isn’t the end of it so keep your head up.</p>

<p>Since when is a 71 a D anyhow?</p>

<p>DEFINITELY appeal! It’s unfair that students with a 71 would not get rescinded because that usually counts as a C. Did you try calling them and explaining the situation?</p>



<p>No it’s not. Acceptance letters usually mention maintaining the grades under which you were admitted. If you weren’t admitted with a D, they won’t let you attend with a D. It’s not unfair, because lots of students who never got a D were denied admission.</p>

<p>Rejection over a D is pretty harsh but possible. However, it’s absolutely ridiculous to rescind an acceptance because of a medical circumstance. (aka something that was out of the student’s control) Appeal.</p>

<p>The student could have gotten a D along with a slew of B’s while he was a straight A student while applying? Could it be a possibility?</p>

<p>I’d appeal. Losing an admittance over one 74 is definitely harsh. There may have been some miscommunication along the way. Can’t hurt to check.</p>

<p>The UCs have very clear rules about no A-G course having a grade under C. This should have been retaken before now. Do try for an appeal but I’m shocked your counselor didn’t tell you to retake before now.</p>

<p>I heard about instances that they ask you what happen before they rescind you. Like they ask you what went wrong, in your case your medical problem, but if your grades drop simply b/c of senioritis then…it’s not good.
how did they tell you that you got rescinded? did they email your school email? or did they do it through snail mail?</p>