UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Thanks for the quick reply and your knowledge and input on many things across the UC’s/CS!

She did pick a 2nd major CS Bioinformatics (also impacted). I know you suggested picking an alternate major that wasn’t impacted.

It looks like her option for CS at UCSD is start undeclared, get the 3.3GPA and then play the lottery to move into CS with a ~20-30% chance.

They changed the CSE change of major requirements.

Starting in Fall 2022, the incoming CSE class is growing and it will be hard (if not impossible) for students to switch into CSE majors if they are not admitted directly.


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Is there any additional information or references or communications that will improve your chance of coming off the waitlist at UCSD?

Are college preferences considered for anyone coming off the waitlist?

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For UCSD, you opt into the waitlist and move on. They do NOT accept any documentation, emails. LOCI etc….

How the UC’s admit off the waitlists is depending upon their specific needs and priorities.

Thanks for the info.

I edited my response and it should state they DO NOT accept any additional documentation. My mistake since I was typing to fast on my phone.

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If you are waitlisted can you also appeal?

No, you cannot appeal if you are on the waitlist.

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My son has been offered waitlist options for multiple campuses and has accepted for all of them. If he is offered admission to UCD in early June and accepts the offer, then offered admission from UCSD in late June, can he then decline UCD and accept UCSD? Or is he only allowed to accept admission from one UC waitlist?

He can accept the waitlist offer from UCD in your example, then if he is admitted off the waitlist at another UC, he can withdraw from UCD and accept UCSD’s offer. Each time he withdraws, he will lose the enrollment deposit so potentially 2 enrollment deposits. None of the waitlist offers are binding.


that’s not binding, right?

No waitlist is binding. You are free to accept or decline a waitlist acceptance.


Thank you again for all of your insight Gumbymom!


does the student also need to submit letters of continued interest along with opt in to the waitlist?


No, UCSD does not accept any additional documentation including LOCI’s.

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Every application to UC San Diego is reviewed thoroughly by at least two readers. Admission decisions are made carefully to meet the enrollment goals of the university. Therefore, successful appeals are very rare.

Applicants who have new and compelling academic information that was not presented in their original application, may submit an appeal through their Applicant Portal by March 31. No appeals will be accepted after the deadline.


is there an enrollement deposit for waitlist students?

No, only if admitted do you need to submit a deposit.

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So I heard because they’re opening a new college I.e the eight college, they may be accepting more waitlists,
Also how many people do you think got waiylisted this year

As the # of applicants have gone up, so has the # of waitlisted students if you look at the 1st post on this discussion. Not all waitlisted students will opt in, but last year they waitlisted 36,137 so I would say around that # seems reasonable. How many actually opt into the waitlist remains to be seen.

Regarding Eighth College, if they are opening it for in-coming Freshmen for Fall 2023, I would think they would have taken that into consideration with a higher admit rate?