UC San Diego Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Thank you for the reply. If you were to make an estimate what percent of students do you think would get off the waitlist With past data kept in mind.


Last year it looks like less than 10% off waitlist. They waitlisted so many. SB waitlisted 16,000 and took the same number off as SD did for their 36,000 waitlist.

Those that were admitted were in around July I think? Is this correct or were there admits before then?

I cannot give an estimate since each year varies. Based on how competitive the UCā€™s have become in the last few years and many applicants having only a couple of school acceptances in hand, I would say only a small percentage.

The main takeaway for anyone on the waitlist is to realize that they need to move on to their other acceptances and if they are offered a place at UCSD it will be a welcomed surprise and not something you should count on happening.


Maybe so many opt-ins for waitlist at UCSD in the last year is due of the removal of option of submit of additional docs (LCI etc)?

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My son is waitlisted at UCSD (and UCI) both of which he prefers over the schools at which he has been accepted at. He applied to all schools with preferred major of Electrical Engineering and alternate major of Environmental Engineering (generally less competitive an area than Electrical at most schools, but yet still Engineeringā€¦). Since applying, he has decided that he actually wants to do the 2nd choice of Environmental Engineering as a career, and wherever he ends up going, even if starting off as EE, after the 1st quarter he plans to request a major change to Environmental Engineering.
I wonder if there is any way at this stage to let the university know that he actually prefers his alternate major? Iā€™m not sure if they would consider such a change request at this stage in the waitlist process ? (I have the same question for UCI, which i assume UCI would likely consider in the same way).

If you are on the UC waitlist, it is too late to inquire about a change of major. With both UCSD and UCI, they admit into the University first and then into the major so there is a greater chance as a waitlisted applicant to get into the alternate major or possibly Undeclared.

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When did UCSD start accepting students off the waitlist last year and year before? Just curious since Irvine started notifying yesterday!

2022 Waitlist timeline:
Waitlist timeline: Admits on May 9 and May 18. Some rejections May 23. Short listed admits May 17. Final rejections on June 18-30.

2021 Waitlist admitted no one.

For 2022, UCSD did something different last year with their waitlist and rejected some students early and left some students on a shortlist for possible admission later.

Thank you! Wow - not a single one in 2021? Itā€™s so random!!

I posted 4 years worth of waitlist data on the top of this discussion but here are the numbers. UCSD overenrolled in 2020, so that is why they did not accept any waitlist students in 2021.

2022 Preliminary Data from UC Conference:
Offers/Opt in: 36137
Admits: 2401

2021 Common Data Set Waitlist:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:25,419
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:8,835
Number of wait-listed students admitted:0

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:19,714
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:14,265
Number of wait-listed students admitted:5,282

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list:19976
Number accepting a place on the waiting list: 12426
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 4313


in state student waitlisted for oceanic and atmospheric science. crossing my fingers so hard for ucsd because i really donā€™t want to go to ucsc (marine bio) lolā€¦ iā€™ve been obsessing over past yearsā€™ ucsd waitlist stats and hoping i have a chance :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: i hope decisions come out sooner than later

I saw an article mentioning the new 8th college housing is behind schedule and not all will be ready in the fall. Not sure if that will affect the wait list.

Lol same Iā€™m committed to davis already but I visited sd and I really liked it :sob: I like both campuses but Iā€™m still holding on to san diego, Iā€™m so impatient :smiling_face_with_tear:

congrats on davis! they also waitlisted me for wildlife, fish, and conservation biology T_T but i donā€™t think davis wouldā€™ve been the school for me anyways since i want to stay in socal. iā€™m really crossing my fingers for sd LOL

do uncapped majors have more spot openings and less applications and thatā€™s why capped majors are harder to go into? if so, does getting waitlisted for an uncapped major mean you have a higher chance of getting off the waitlist?

Capped majors are the most applied and popular majors at UCSD. Each department does have an enrollment target and so even Uncapped majors can still be competitive. Since the Capped majors probably have a higher yield than some of the Uncapped majors, spots do not open up as readily as with the Uncapped majors. The # of spots available for any major will depend upon how many students that have been accepted into these majors, SIR by Monday. In general, waitlisted students with an Uncapped major will be more often pulled from the waitlist.

All UCs said there is no ranking for the WL. Then how they decide who is out & who is not when they have spot open, specially those who got into undeclared. Is it based on GPA orā€¦

it seems ucsd the only uc to have not released waitlist yet, not a good look

UCB has not released any waitlist decisions and I believe UCR also.