UC San Diego vs UC Davis vs UC Irvine

Okay I know these type of threads are popular but I’m truly struggling with my choices :frowning:

Here’s some of my thoughts on each:

UCSD - My major is human biology which is just what I wanted!! However, the school’s nearly 7 hours away from my family and the “socially dead” stereotype scares me because I’ve been raised in such a friendly environment. The fact that this school is the highest ranking UC that accepted me really makes me scared to chose another. I mean but it shouldn’t matter since I’m going to grad school after right??

UCD - I’ve visited this school and I think it’s such a nice campus! However, my major is undeclared life sciences and it saddens me that human biology isn’t a major. My financial package though? One year is 2,500 dollars! I am in love with that. My gut tells me I’ll be most happy at this school, but that may just be because the UCSD dead campus rumors still scare me :frowning: At the same time I’m tired of agricultural life though! I’ve been in NorCal for my entire life ;-;

UCI - I’m undeclared here too :frowning: I don’t know much about this school besides the fact that it’s near Disneyland hehe. I’ve researched it a bit and not much about the school really stand out to me besides the beautiful campus. I will look more into it!!!

Honestly, at this point, it’s a struggle between rank and my happiness. UCSD is maybe my best choice, especially with my major, but I don’t want to be unhappy for four years.

Thank you to anyone who replies :frowning: I got a month to decide yikes.

Also oops I didn’t know : ( turned into that emoji. Makes my sad faces a lot more dramatic haha.

UCD has a general biological sciences major; you may want to see if you can tailor upper level in-major electives to cover the topics that you as interesting in UCSD’s human biology major. UCI has a human biology major.


Thank you! It’s comforting to see that UCI has a human biology major :’) Also it’s closer to my home than UCSD which is pretty sweet.

UCD has NPB Neurobiology, Physiology and behavior. Their program is very good; they have a great record for grad program admission.

The agricultural portion doesn’t affect your college town feel. Students take the train from town to Sacramento and to the Bay Area. It’s a 10 minute walk from the center of campus.

Thank you aunt bea! I want to go into pediatrics though, would UCD still be a good undergrad school for this?

If you are a pre-med, many colleges are ok for that. You want to avoid spending too much money (applying to medical school is expensive, and attending medical school if you get in is hugely expensive), earn A grades, and do the usual pre-med extracurriculars. But realize that most frosh pre-meds never apply to medical school (GPA or MCAT too low, or lose interest), and most medical school applicants get shut out.

You’re absolutely right :frowning: Perhaps Davis is the move then because of the price. Do you think I’ll regret choosing Davis over San Diego?

Sounds like you can’t go wrong with UCD…I would go to the UCD Decision Day the following weekend to check out the campus. Then go to either UCI or UCSD the weekend after that to check out their open house.

Sadly my parents don’t want to drive me to UCI or UCSD for their open houses due to the distance. They just expect me to make the right choice :frowning: I’m in the process of changing their minds though!

Hi! Im a current human bio major at UCSD rn. I’m gonna tell you now, UC Socially Dead is a myth. If you put just a little bit of effort into finding friends, you’re golden. What helped me was joining to FB page for incomings, and joining their bio group chat. I instantly made 20 friends that I still talk to. There’s a plethora of clubs and orgs to join too.

I think it is worth it for you to find your way to all three campuses. This is a huge decision. You can easily see UCI and UCSD in one trip if your parents will take you. They are 50 minutes apart. If your parents won’t drive you or don’t want you to drive, you can at least get to UCI, it is a 10 minute $20 taxi ride from John Wayne with many cheap flights from NorCal. You will probably know once you are on campus what campus speaks to you most.

Davis has a very strong pre-med program and NPB is a very popular pre-med major. UCD offers a health sciences living learning community in the dorms https://housing.ucdavis.edu/academics/living-learning-communities/2019-20/#health-science The have pre-health First Year Aggie Connections, pre-health clubs and fraternities, etc. Check out their pre-health advising https://hpa.ucdavis.edu/ They offer a pre-med boot camp. https://hpa.ucdavis.edu/summer-pre-med-bootcamp Also, UWP 104F, is an English course for future health professionals where you will produce a draft personal statement for your med school application.

Thank you all so much :slight_smile: I think I’ve sort of cancelled out Irvine and I’m stuck between Davis and San Diego.

I think UCD is the way to go. The price is less and you said yourself that you think you would be most happy there. It is a good school.

A Happy student= A Successful student. UCD is a great school and changing majors is not too difficult. @lkg4answers has given you some great information so best of luck in your decision.

Thank you all so much, I am leaning towards Davis. I have a close friend who’s deciding between UCSD and UCI and I think that if they choose Irvine, I’ll go to Davis. If they choose San Diego, I’ll go there so I at least have a friend to study with because we both got into Human Biology.

Congrats - there is no wrong choice here… Spend some time on all 3 campuses then follow your heart. I’d encourage you to make your decision independent of your current friends - go where you want because that’s where you want to be.

NCalRent, I needed that reality check :smile: I don’t wanna live 4 years of regret. I’ll visit them and go with my gut feeling. After all, I’m gonna chase the same degree at each school.

-At Davis, you will bike everywhere.
-Your rents will be a lot less expensive at Davis and everything is either within walking or biking distance.
-Also, Davis offers free tutoring in the common rooms of the dorms. There is always tutoring going on. They teach you how to study and prepare for MCATs. It is not a cut-throat environment.

Please tell your parents that you have to visit your schools. As you say, it is four years of your life.
Try Southwest.