UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I don’t know… so confused as my daughter also got into Michigan and UNC Chapel Hill???


His stats are 3.95 UW. 4.27 UC GPA. 4 AP’s all 5’s and taking 4 APs senior year + 2 self-study APs. No community college classes. SAT Math II 800. Large public school (class size about 600) in Bay Area.

Unique major related activities, in particular a year long independent project he hopes to turn into either a senior thesis or a research project in college. Poured his soul into the PIQs. My favorite is the one about volunteering. Very grateful to be directly admitted into CS.


oh no, I’ve been waiting for your post so I could cheer you on! I’m so sorry, I hope you get off the waitlist. you have other great choices, but I know it’s not the same. :frowning:

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Later, but we were selected for “financial aid verification,” so we had to gather tax transcripts, etc which delayed the fin aid award.

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What was ur gpa if you don’t mind me asking?

4.0 UW, 4.6 W, 9 AP’s, never made a B

D instate Waitlisted Pre-Communications

Very confusing, I agree. My D21 got deferred at Mich and WL at UNC, but accepted to psych/brain sciences at UCSB. No rhyme or reason.

accepted oos
pre-political science
4.0 UC GPA (4.9W, 3.9 UW)
7 APs, 200+ volunteering hours, good ECs


Would it have mattered? I thought UC is not looking at SAT/ACT this year (which I totally disagree with).

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Wait?? We were able to put down our SAT/ACT score? I know there were extra boxes available but I didnt want to get in trouble for telling them my score.

They aren’t looking at SATs or ACTs since a lot of people weren’t able to take them

Rejected :sob::sob::sob::sob:

Many people would prefer SLO. You have a great option, and I’m sure you will love it there. And it’s cheaper! I would love for my son to get into SLO, but probably a rejection, because we haven’t heard yet.


accepted OOS for pre bio major! Congrats to all those who got in!


They were forced to ignore it by court order, I think. They won’t be looking at it next year either. But they kind of sent a mixed message saying that even though they won’t be using it as admission criteria, individual campuses may use it for additional criteria. God knows what that means.

Daughter accepted to UCI for biology, waitlisted to UCSB. OOS

Accepted to the college of creative studies for bio


In-state daughter rejected for CS, not even a waitlist.
3.92/4.25/4.75 12APs and 3 DE for Calculus.
Brutal, but congrats to all that got in !

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Son direct admit to CS in-state
4.0 UW, 10 APs and 1 Dual enrollment class. AP BC, Physics C (Mech and E&M), Stats, Comp Sci, Spanish Lang with “5”. SAT 1510 (Dec’19), National Merit Finalist, State award for volunteering, national academic awards.

Also accepted to: Stanford, McGill (SW Eng), St. Andrews (CS), UCSC (CS), UCI (data science - not 1st choice)
Rejected: UW Seattle (CS)
Waitlisted: Cal Poly SLO