UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

When my DS2023 applied in 2019, his UC options for his acceptances were to accept or decline EXCEPT UCDavis gave him 3 options: 1) accept 2) decline 3) accept for enrollment the following year with guaranteed entry. We thought that was general to all but others noted they did not have that option. So it does seem they (UCs? or maybe just UCD?) do in fact proactively offer a gap year option to some students. He was accepted to UCSB, UCSD, UCI, and UCD, waitlisted at UCB, rejected at UCLA. We only saw the proactive offer for a gap year at UCD.

They can’t see where the person was accepted but they can see where they SIR’d. And they have to manually look up specific names/UC ID’s. So I can tell you that they don’t go cross referencing or using it to determine who to admit lol.

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What is SIR?

Statement of Intent to Register.

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Meaning where they applied?

Your statement of intent to register is how you tell your ONE college that you will enroll there. You should make sure you choose one school before May 1 even if you are waiting to hear back from a school where you may be waitlisted.


When will we receive financial aid packages?
I checked the portal the day of my decision and it wasn’t there.

Is CCS typically also part of the Chancellor’s group? My heart stopped a minute (Regents would be some awesome icing on the cake), but since Regents is only a subset, my guess is my child received it for being accepted into CCS.

And if you end up not going there and end up at the WL school is that ok?

So maybe this is why I didn’t get a Chancellor invite? I thought my stats would have put me in the top 15%:
Unweighted GPA - 4.0
Weighted Capped - 4.33
Weighted Uncapped - 4.42
But seeing some of the other posts for kids with crazy amazing stats who didn’t get in, I guess I am just thankful to have been accepted.


Waitlists are not binding. You can accept or decline.

I meant if you are admitted and you pay the deposit & sometime in June back out and attend the school that had originally waitlisted you? Sorry for the confusion.

You can back out at any time but you will lose your original school deposit.

Not that we would. I would hate to do that to a school.

Any idea when waitlist acceptance/rejections comes out for Barbara?

Unless spots open up early, you should not expect to hear back until after the May 1 SIR deadline.

I personally don’t think high stats and interesting and multi-dimensional are mutually exclusive.


If a student renege on an Early Decision college, will they try to blacklist him?

There is only one valid reason to decline ED and that is if financial aid is not enough for a student to attend. Any other reason, it goes against the intent of Early Decision. It will depend upon which school, if you signed an ED contract and if you, your HS counselor and school will see repercussions if you decline. I suggest you talk it over with your family and your HS counselor.

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I got an email to register for the virtual open house and faculty lectures. Is this for admitted students? Or is it for prospective applicants (and I received it for some reason)? The email wasn’t very clear.