UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

That is an excellent question in which I cannot answer. I would think that it would be within the context of the L&S pool but you might want to email UCSB admissions to see if they could clarify.


@Gumbymom Thank you. Not that it would have changed how my daughter applied, but it would be good information to have for those looking to maximize their admission chances.

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Regent Scholarship notifications are out for UCSB. S21 was able to see his award on his “Check My Financial Aid Status” page.


Does anyone know if getting regents automatically means you are in the honors college?

If you look here Regents Scholarship it states, “All Regents Scholars participate in the honors program of their College and have access to faculty advisors.”

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Just got an email informing me that I have been selected for Regents (it was in my financial aid offer before receiving the email)


Hi TahoeBigBlue,

We’re in Napa, CA and have a middle schooler with very high aspirations. She wants to attend UCSB , UCLA, or USC. Did your son also apply to UCLA and USC?


Hi TahoeBigBlue,

Thank you for the feedback. We have three middle schoolers. Our 6th grade daughter wants to attend UCSB, USC or UCLA and study one of the life sciences. It’s crazy that we’re even talking about this when she’s not even thirteen, but she’s got to form the study habits now. I went to UC Davis in the 80’s and 90’s and didn’t even think about college until 10th grade. We just want her do do her best and be happy, but she loves talking about college and her future.

Congratulations to you son on admission to several great schools!

It must be lovely living in the Tahoe area.


Jackie from Napa

My suggestion is to be sure she starts advanced math next year.


Funny you mention math…one of the reasons we pulled our 6th grade boy/girl twins out of Catholic school was the low quality of math instruction. They are at a public middle school in Napa now and are much happier. Hopefully, they will catch up in math so they can take Calculus in high school. Our 8th grader is finishing up in Catholic school and will have to repeat her 8th grade year in math as a freshman. Good thing she wants to study political science and attend law school…


Moderators Note:

If you can please stay on topic; this is the UCSB admissions discussion thread. You are welcome to make a new thread of this topic in the high school or parents cafe forums to continue the current conversation.


Will do. Sorry.

Thanks for the suggestion @Marshall98. Will look into this, especially since he’s now been rejected at all 4 UC’s so far. The IT Apprenticeship would be right up his alley, though it says it’s a 12 month program to complete the Google IT Support Certificate. Ironically, he did the Google IT Support Professional Certification online course last Fall and completed it in about 2 weeks because he already knew all the material so he could just buzz through the exams. Maybe he can look at the Software Engineering instead. College would be good for him to mature and socialize though. Hard to think about any of this right now after all the rejections this week.

My S was just accepted and is very serious about accepting. However he is waitlisted at another school and is hoping to see what happens there plus 1 or 2 more decisions to come in on April 1st. We read on the acceptance email that “freshman housing is not guaranteed” due to COVID and that housing applications are accepted starting March 16 once you have submitted your SIR. Has anyone heard about this?

Would it make sense to accept and get that housing application in ASAP…worried about that as he does NOT want to be in off campus housing

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Interested to know this as well.

I looked at the “Steps to Enroll” to find out what they say about housing and here’s the text if this helps. It does not seem to indicate ‘first come first served’. There has not been an email yet about ‘allocation and contracting process’ that they mention below (as I’m sure they don’t know yet until the campus knows how much capacity they will be ‘allowed’ to have in the fall with any further Covid restrictions):
Freshman Students
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021-2022 UCSB housing capacity remains uncertain. However, new freshmen will be able to submit a housing application between March 16-May 10. Information about the allocation and contracting process will be shared via email as soon as it is available.

I would think they understand the decision process is still ongoing for students. For us, it is probably between UCSB and UCI. S21 is trying to determine (and convince us) if he is leaning to UCSB just because of the beautiful campus or if he truly feels he wants to do the Econ/Accounting major (whereas UCI has more of a true Biz school). Tough things for 17-18 year olds to decide (especially as he was leaning towards CS for years and then changed his mind…which can be expected for kids).

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The two schools have such a different feel and vibe. UCSB is a beachy, biking school with the majority of students living on campus or in the adjacent college town of Isla Vista. UCSB is heavily focused on undergraduate education with 90% + of the students being undergrads and less than 10% being grad students. 2020-21 Campus Profile

UCI is more urban. Once students move off campus, they are more spread out and there is less of a community feel. UCI tends to be very quiet on weekends as many students go home. UCI is a great school. It just has a very different feel than UCSB.

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Thanks for this! That’s pretty much what my son feels. He does want a ‘live on campus’ college feel. As parents, we are looking at making sure he is set up to have employable skills after he graduates (since we are the ‘investors’). I think he will get that with UCSB Econ/Accounting (even if he doesn’t quite know what accounting is…I can tell it would suit his personality and we have a neighbor who is a Sophomore doing this at UCSB so that’s helpful). If he finds out he hates accounting, then I’m not sure he has as many options as he would at UCI business school. Of course who am I to talk - I majored in television/radio in undergrad (not exactly employable skills) and then went to grad school to get employable skills in tech :).

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