**uc santa cruz class of 2025 discussion**

I got so excited when I saw that email…

I really dislike how UC’s do this. It almost seems intentional to get our hopes up.


Any estimate on when the next set of decisions will come out?

No one knows I think. Maybe the 20th? Maybe this Monday?

I’m so impatient, I keep refreshing knowing it’s not coming haha

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Oh me too. Constantly. Help.

omg nooooo! My birthday is Monday and UCSC is my dream school!!! I won’t look at my email all day in order to not ruin my birthday but it’ll be torture!!!


i’m getting more and more impatient by the day lol. i know the rest of us will find out some time between monday and next friday if we got in or not but i cannot stop myself from checking my portal 10 times a day! they really shouldn’t be making us wait this long and still sending pointless admissions emails, it’s stupid


I couldn’t relate more. I check college confidential/reddit every 10 minutes just hoping to find some new information about UCSC, UCSB, and other UC’s. This has been the hardest wait ever :roll_eyes:


same here it’s starting to get really frustrating haha! like when i’m not doing homework or taking care of stuff i just spend my free time moving between college confidential, reddit, twitter, zeemee, my email, and then checking my application statuses again. i just want the stress of waiting to be over


Two weeks from now all of this will be over with. Then I’ll be able to put the 3-4 hours I spend browsing forums on college confidential towards something else haha. Good luck with UCSC! Maybe we’ll both become banana slugs!


you’re right! thank you and good luck to you too!!

Is it super unlikely to hear from UCSC on Friday? I guess what I’m asking is: Do they only announce on Mondays?

No clue. I know that last year UCSB announced on a Thursday, from what I can tell… So… Maybe not?

i’ve heard of earlier waves being delivered on different days, so it’s not totally out of the question. like one of the waves was on a tuesday i think. chances are, we will all know sometime between monday (the 15th) and at the very latest next friday (the 20th)

There’s only been one wave though, right?

Two years ago, release date was on the 15th but I think it was a Friday. So, my guess is tomorrow or Monday.

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there’s been one or two waves already, i think there will only be one more but it could be two. it depends how close they’re willing to release them since there’s only 9 days left till they’re all done. it’s just surprising to me if they’re releasing the majority of all the decisions in one huge batch right next to the deadline. it would be way more efficient to have more waves with more decisions at a time instead of two waves in february and then one more at the end of march with all that time in between.

keep in mind that covid changes everything though and since they extended the deadline for applications that usually has an effect on decisions. this year is so different, some schools are really on top of matching the admissions process to previous years but many aren’t able to. i would say it’s totally okay to keep an eye on the portal but don’t get your hopes up too much about it coming tomorrow or monday, hopefully they are but if not they will be here by next friday

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what is the significance of the early waves or decisions?? what are they supposed to mean??