**uc santa cruz class of 2025 discussion**

My friend’s daughter got in and just got an email from UCSC. Extremely high grades. Bio or undeclared.


S21 was accepted today, he received an email. Robotics/engineering
4.0 unweighted/4.5 weighted (max at his school) he was talking a lot with the swim coach there. Good luck everyone!



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Son got in cs major. UW gpa 4.0 Weighed 4.75 act 35, math2 800. Good luck everyone!


Daughter received email today. Accepted, EE, in-state, Weighted GPA 4.7.

Go Slugs!!!


Wohoo! Congrats to your daughter! Go slugs!

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Daughter accepted, 4.0 uw, 4.75 w.
Would these early acceptances be for regents or their honors program?


Yes some but not all of the early admits could get Regents or be offered Honors college.

I think that most of these early admits will not attend. UCSC is their safety school.


I’m sure the majority won’t, but my friend who has a near perfect GPA and near perfect test scores got in today and is planning to attend. Although I wasn’t admitted today, I’d say my stats are pretty high and I also plan to attend if I get accepted.

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is it a bad sign for other uc acceptances if we weren’t admitted today? will there be more ‘waves’ in feb?

Last year the Feb. wave lasted a few days. But I think most acceptances will be in March anyway.


D21 got her acceptance today. She had put in Psychology for her major choice but we may change it to undeclared. Out of State, 3.82 WGPA.


Got accepted on 22/2 to computer science. My IB predicted grade is 43/45. I take Math AA HL(7), Physics HL(6), Econ HL (7), Psych SL(7), English A L+L SL (7), Spanish B SL (6). Im from the UK and excited by my offer


Daughter accepted yesterday.

Undeclared. Intends to do art and either political science/sociology. Out of state. 3.89 GPA. Test optional, AP equivalent curriculum. Strong recs and excellent essays…no idea if that matters for out of state. Maybe they just like that we have to pay more :joy:

Still waiting on two more schools back East but secretly hoping she ends up in Santa Cruz (a Bay Area native myself, my family is super excited to have her near and in the same time zone) she’s an avid rock climber, backpacker and wants to get back into surfing so a match on so many levels.


For all those admitted, where did you see the message on your portal? Was the acceptance letter in the “admissions messages” area?

It’s under the message notification thing. It has always said zero but today it said 3 and my admission was there.


I would say my daughter’s essay was very strong—all of her essays were very moving. She is a solid but not “perfect” student. Very talented artist. She has a lot of “weird” ECs which I think make her stand out in a sea of soccer players and student body presidents, especially being Asian. Finished top 20 in regional championships for USA climbing, leads the API affinity group at school, has a strong perspective in her art, social activist. Managed the school garden. TA for stagecraft, lightmaster (lighting design and electrics).

Didn’t take any tests (SAT/ACT or APs) School doesn’t offer AP classes but does teach everything as if they were AP.

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I got in for Politics.


Congratulations! Were you notified today, or yesterday?