**uc santa cruz class of 2025 discussion**

Thank you! I got in yesterday. I’m out of state and didn’t have exceptionally high stats so I’m not sure what this first wave is based on.


Got an email saying I got in yesterday, Just saw it though, I thought it was coming in March, what is this about?


OOS and some high stat applicants were accepted early. Congratulations. Post your stats information on the Stats only discussion.

Ok. Do you think this says anything about my chances somewhere like UCSB? Im a bit nervous. Thanks.

Each UC campus will use the same application review criteria but may weight each portion differently so there is no way to say that since you got into UCSC that you will get into UCSB. You are a competitive applicant but beyond that, you just have to wait and see. I have seen applicants denied at UCSB and UCD, but still get accepted to UCLA and UCB. UC admissions can be unpredictable.

Best of luck.

I wouldn’t worry at all. UCSC only admits a very small pool of applicants in February and the vast majority hear back mid-march.


I guess since there hasn’t been any acceptances today we have to wait until March for our decisions :frowning:

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My daughter got in as a Literature Major. Out of state. Received word 2 days ago but had no idea and just checked today.


@Gumbymom , I have a question for you. My son will end up in the “by exception” category because of being homeschooled, and not having all A-G required courses. Do you happen to know anything about when people in that category receive decisions compared to the typical?

None of the UC’s have contacted us for further information, whereas all of the CSUs he applied to (besides SLO) have asked for official transcripts. For those, I assume his decisions will be totally random, way outside of any of the normal decisions. Does that sound right?

Congrats! FYI, they were test blind.

He should receive his decision at the same time as the rest of the applicants so for UCSC probably in March.

Have you contacted each UC campus admissions office to make sure they do not require additional documentation or check for any “to do” items in his student portal?

I am sorry, but I have no specific experience with home schooled students and the UC’s but I have seen several home schooled admits over the years.

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Does UCSC award merit aid to in-state students?

The only merit aid I can think of is the regent’s scholarship but perhaps someone out there knows more.

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They also have a Campus Merit Scholarship $2000/year for 4 years.


Both are rare though.

Define rare. :smile: My oldest was accepted to UCSB honors, UCI honors, UCD, waitlisted at UCSD and denied at UCLA. UCSC offered the Campus Merit Scholarship.

what were his/her stats, if you don’t mind me asking?

Got into Cal Poly SLO for computer science last night!! Cal Poly SLO isn’t at the top of my list but I’m so thankful for getting into a school I’d be happy to go to. Hopefully this is a positive sign for future decisions.


Sorry, this was 4 years ago so I don’t remember the exact stats. First choice was Davis so turned down the honors programs and the UCSC scholarship.


Congrats! I also got accepted last night for computer science last night! Seems like we’re in the same boat because SLO is a school I’d be happy to attend but UCSC and other UC’s are higher on the list. Hopefully this is a little stress reliever for you!