UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

My D accepted waitlist offer 2 weeks ago, anyone know how long it may take to receive housing assignment?

Congratulations to your D!
It typically takes two weeks. My daughter SIRed on 4/22 and got the college affiliation on 5/6 (I went back and looked at her messages to me lol).
There are a bunch of people here also saying it took around two weeks.

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It looks like I misread your message, sorry about that.
The housing will be assigned in August and they submitted the application mid May. I think it opened a couple of days after she got the residential college assigned.

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Still in Waitlist Status. Anyone recently received update this week?

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Got off waitlist today for Neuroscience


My friendā€™s son just noticed he got off the WL for Econ. The email wasnā€™t obvious so kids should probably check their portals. He has 4 days to decide so Iā€™m guessing he got off a few days ago?


My son just saw that he got off the waitlist for Film and Digital Media. There was no email so he wouldnā€™t have known if I didnā€™t read this thread. We will go visit the campus this week.


Yeah, the only email he saw was ā€œwhy you should study Econ at UCSCā€¦ā€. There was not a ā€œCongratulationsā€ email :woman_shrugging:t3:

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got off for CS a few days ago. they only sent me a congrats email yesterday.


Anyone got off the wait list for Biology?

Congrats! If you donā€™t mind sharing, what are your stats? Trying to understand chances for my rising senior.

I just got off the WL today for MCD Bio!! Odd thing is that I was admitted for the winter quarter, not fall quarter, even though I applied for fall 23. Iā€™m already committed to Davis for neurobio which is better for my major and have housing and everything and I love the vibes at UCSC so iā€™m torn lol

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I got off the waitlist for Biochemistry just now but only for the winter quarter. I think Iā€™m going to decline it and stick with UCR, so whoever gets my spot, youā€™re welcome.


I would check UCSC regarding housing since you will be starting a quarter later before committing if you are leaning towards UCSC.

I think UCD is a better option with their Neurobiology major and having guaranteed housing is a major plus. Best of luck with your decision.


also admitted for winter. Maybe they didnā€™t have room in the fall class but still wanted to offer us admission?

thatā€™s true. I worry that with the housing shortage at SC, it will be hard to get decent housing this late. iā€™m also pre-med so davis has better resources

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i got in for winter term 24 for computer engineering. will i be graduating with the class of 28 then instead of class of 27?


My son also just got off waiting list for Robotic Engineering , but it is for winter 2024 quarter. He already committed to another school with his first choice major Mechanical Engineering. Also, he does not want to wait a quarter, so he will decline the offer. Good luck!

My son got into Computer Engineering as well for Winter quarter, same question and also is housing guranteed for students joining in winter? Can students take classess summer to catch up for the fall semester lost?

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yeah wondering the same thing here