UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Waitlist list admits vary from year to year and there is no major specific data for waitlist admits. Everything hinges on the # of admitted applicants that SIR by May 1 and where they have room.

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I see. Thank you for your response! Fingers crossed, I really wish she can get off the waitlist.

They do not accept LOCI’s. UCSC like all the UC’s do not consider an applicants level of interest. Opt into the waitlist and move on.

As a waitlisted student, does anybody know if it would help to send a LOCI? It says that no further action is necessary, but it doesn’t say anywhere that applicants should not send one.

We were wondering the same thing. I suppose it could not hurt to send them. But it does not sound like standard practice.

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@dopfin @Beth_Thom
I would contact admissions before sending additional documentation or an LOCI to see what they say. This question has been asked several times of the last few years especially after UCSC stopped accepting waitlist statements or allowing waitlist applicants to file an appeal.

When it comes to the waitlist, the best thing you can do is follow instructions which means opt into the waitlist and move on.

I post this blog every year and although directed at Georgia Tech’s waitlist, the message is Universal.

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Personally I’d worry that doing anything other than following the guidelines would be a negative against the applicant.

They have instructions for a reason and they must get hundreds of people thinking they don’t have to follow the instructions and sending in things that aren’t looked at.

Completely agree. There is another discussion on CC about the UCSD waitlist which specifically states not to send any documentation. The waitlisted student inquired about sending an LOCI and admissions specifically emailed them back reiterating their no additional document policy. Probably already flagged them as not following directions. If the UC’s wanted to take an applicant’s interest into consideration, it would part of the original application review.


Yea, called ucsc office and they said that they’re not even opening or reading any appeals or LOCI. Too many applicants and too much traffic.

Thank you for the update and information.

Member of the 23 UCSC waitlist here. My daughter has several friends from her high school who were accepted but are definitely not choosing UCSC because they have been accepted and prefer other schools. As others on this thread have voiced, I too wish they let the students indicate their preference in UC campus at time of application, etc.

I have a random question - In the application status page of the portal, it gives admitted students the option to decline their offer of admission. If my daughter’s UCSC accepted high school classmates were to turn down their UCSC offer of enrollment, would that provide any waitlist help since they are from the same high school? I read somewhere that the schools try to keep geographic diversity by not over enrolling from individual high schools or zip codes. Not sure if there is any truth to that, so putting it out there for feedback?

It isn’t her personality to get in others’ business to suggest they do anything of the sort, so I’m really just being curious about how the admission “Oz” works . :slight_smile:

Anyone declining their admissions can help open up spots for the students that are on the waitlist. The issue is that all schools admit far more students than enroll, so a significant number of students need to decline their acceptance before UCSC starts pulling from the waitlist. UCSC will pull from the waitlist based on their priorities so if having a target # of students from any HS is one of their priorities then it could help but nothing to be counted upon.

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Thank you for your reply!

What is TAG?

TAG= Transfer admission guarantee for community college transfers to UC’s. If you meet the GPA and course requirements, CC transfers are guaranteed admission to one of the 6 participating UC campuses. Some majors are excluded from TAG including CS for all campuses except UCR and UCM.

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A post was split to a new thread: TAG to UC questions

I don’t think declining the admission changes anything for the waitlist. The students offered waitlist is already set in stone. I doubt any are admitted off the waitlist until after the May 1 “Decision Day”, when all the in-effect declines admission take effect. Only then does the college know its “yield” and the exact number of spots it has available. After which it can then process its waitlist. And, serving its own internal priorities.

My kid was accepted to second choice(Biomolecular). Will they consider first choice(CS) if we appeal or how is that done?

You cannot appeal for a major change. If not admitted into the CS major, you cannot change into the major.

From UCSC website:

  • Admission to the Computer Science majors (B.A. and B.S.) is selective. The Computer Science majors at UCSC are impacted and in order to pursue either of these majors, students must have been admitted to UCSC as a proposed Computer Science Major. Students not admitted as proposed Computer Science will not be able to pursue either of these majors.

Are you comfortable sharing the Stats. My D23 is wait listed. 3.73 WGPA, Biology Major