UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Anyone gotten any update on the waitlist?

Nope :crossed_fingers:

Looks like UCD started releasing acceptance from waitlist y’day.

@gumbymom I have a question. So if most of the people in your school don’t go to ucsc and they got accepted does that mean that the waitlisted people in that school have a higher chance? What if people on the waitlist got a school they want to go too and get accepted of the ucsc waitlist what happens?

@Gumbymom what were the waitlist stats for uc santa cruz last year?

Update from Common Dataset 2022:
Waitlist offers: 18,099
Accepting Waitlist offer: 11,919
Admits: 1,573

Still didn’t hear anything yet. Hopefully we hear back soon :slight_smile:

I just got admitted to UCSC off the waitlist for film and digital media (first choice major)! I am instate!


Just got off the waitlist for Environmental Studies


My son just got off the waitlist as well for his first choice major, Marine Biology. I honestly didn’t think this was going to happen. This sure makes things complicated considering that he committed to another school a week ago. Ugh!


how many waitlists were released? will there be more batches?

The number of waitlist admits today depends upon how many spots they have open currently and that information is not released. The waitlist admits should have until May 1 to accept or decline. If more spots are still available, then they send out more acceptances so the next round would most likely be after May 1. No guarantees there will be more batches since it all depends upon how many accept this round. Once UCSC meets their enrollment target, they will close the waitlist. This could go on for weeks to months.

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@Gumbymom do the number of spots depended on the school like how many people are committed before May 1st?

UCSC has a specific enrollment target so based on the SIR’s they have received by a certain date, they can determine if they are falling short of that target. Since they have admitted a few off the waitlist before May 1, they did not meet that target number. If after May 1, they are still below their SIR target, they will continue to admit until they reach their goal.

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Oh so it doesn’t depend on school for spots right? @Gumbymom

UCSC only has 1 academic school and several academic divisions. All the divisions do not admit by major since you are admitted into a “proposed major” which can be changed after admission. Only the College of Engineering requires a direct admit into those majors. So if UCSC has openings in the the academic divisions or the College of Engineering, then they will pull from the waitlist.

If you are taking about the different Colleges such as Crown, Porter etc
 those are not major specific and those are Residential colleges which are not considered when admitting off the waitlist.

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@Gumbymom quick question. Will ucsc release more waitlist offers on May 1st?

I cannot answer that question but if there are spots available after the May 1 SIR deadline, then there should be at least 1 more admit wave.

My S23 who got accepted off the waitlist last Monday has decided to decline the acceptance. Even though UCSC was originally his top choice and would have immediately committed if he was accepted back in March, it was too little too late. He had not only officially committed at another school, but mentally and emotionally committed to that school as well. Being waitlisted forced him to dig deep and learn more about the schools that he was originally accepted to and that brought him to the realization that there was a better fit school for him that he didn’t even realize and would have never have known if he hadn’t been waitlisted. Things do happen for a reason. I hope him declining the acceptance will give someone else a chance to get accepted off the waitlist that really wants to go to UCSC. Good luck to everyone and wishing you all the best!


It seems like I also will not be accepting my waitlist acceptance. UC Riverside’s elc acceptance is giving me until May 15th to decide whether I will attend or not, so I will wait it out in the case ucsd/uci admit me from their waitlist to commit to ucr. I would attend ucsc but getting to campus is far too complicated for my family. I hope my ucsc spot goes to someone who truly wants and is able to go. Good luck!