UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

Did you get accepted to UCR without applying? Last week I received an email that I was admitted even though I didn’t apply. Also, could you let me know your major? Congratulations on your acceptance!


Hi! Yes I was admitted without applying (along with uc merced a few weeks prior). They admitted me as a History Major which is the major I applied to for the UCs I did apply to. To confirm with someone with an acceptance like mine, did they also give you until May 15th to decide? Congrats to you too btw!

Yes, they gave me until the 15th as well. Are you considering attending ?

I see some user accounts that look like they might be real names. If it is, please consider changing. You can email admin@collegeconfidential.com. or follow the directions below.

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@Gumbymom do you do when the next ucsc waitlist will typically be released?

Sorry, I do not work in admissions but if there are spots open after Monday’s SIR deadline, then more admits could happen this week or the next.

Got off the waitlist for computer science


did u get off just now or during the first wave that was sent before may 1?

Oh congrats. When did you get of the waitlist? I applied for Computer Engineering and still didn’t hear back?

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Did they send an email to your regular email about waitlist acceptance? or just keep checking your portal?? I’m just wondering, sometimes the email comes and it’s a couple days after the portal.

Lol, I just got in off of waitlist


got off the waitlist for global and community health bs


Got off of waitlist for computer science/game design.


Our daughter just got off the waitlist for business economics. She and we are very happy! She received an email late this afternoon.


Got off the waitlist for molecular, cell, and development biology!


Got admitted off waitlist today. Says 7 - 10 days for financial aid letter. Go slugs.


Do you mind sharing your stats?
I’m on the waitlist for UCSC, UC davis, and UCSD for biology. Really hoping to hear back soon because waiting is driving me crazy

I got off for environmental science but I was waitlisted at those schools as well

Got off of the davis and sc waitlist alr had a 3.9uc gpa i think (according to that calculator thing) but I think that my essays/ecs/aps/other things probably helped a lot

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Son was admitted today for Business Economics

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My daughter was admitted off of the waitlist today for Biology (her primary choice of major). She’s going to take this weekend to think about it, but she’s pretty invested in UC Irvine as an Earth System Science major, so she is leaning towards declining UCSC in favor of staying with UC Irvine.

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