UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

UCSC requires that applicants keep their high school grades on track. Likely all the UC’s do. Hope that’s not an issue for anyone reading this, but it is for my DD. See https://admissions.ucsc.edu/resources-support/conditions-admission-faq

  • C (even C-) or better in all a-g courses both semesters senior year of high school.
  • Maintain a level of academic achievement consistent with your previous coursework in your fall and spring courses of your last year of schoolA decline in GPA by a full grade point may result in the cancellation of your admission.
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The conditions of admission are pretty standard for all the UC’s although UCB and UCLA want to be notified if the student gets 2 or more C’s Senior year.

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Has anyone applying for any art program come out off the waitlist?

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Got of the waitlist yesterday for Computer Engineering


Yes - all the UC’s are pretty strict about making sure you meet the conditions of admission like keeping your grades up.

However, I think they are also willing to work with you if you have a compelling reason as to why one of the conditions may not have been met, so it’s always a good idea to contact them and discuss the situation.

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For ucsc is there another admit wave of the waitlist? @Gumbymom

Only admissions knows if there will be spots open for more admits and unfortunately I am not privy to that information.

I keep seeing a few posts on whatsapp groups on the admission, but not a wave so far I think (after the first one)

You could try calling and asking - I don’t know if they give that information out though.

I do know they have started assigning residential colleges - my daughter received hers yesterday (she was accepted regular decision so her residential college request has been in since May 1st) and she has to complete the housing application by May 19th. I don’t know if that’s an indication of whether or not they are done, or if they are going to continue pulling from the waitlist.

The same for us. My daughter got the residential college assigned yesterday. Her roomie also got assigned the same college. The third girl that was going to room with them did not get any of her 5 listed choices.

Oh wow. That’s the first one I’ve heard of. All my daughter’s contacts have so far gotten their first choice. I think there’s an appeals process where you can request a change? If you already have roommates lined up, you might have a better shot at getting the college you want?

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Yes, but the girl decided she was not going to appeal. So my daughter and her friend are now looking for a third roomie again. I suggested they apply for a quad since the rooms are much bigger and have balconies. They got assigned Cowell.

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I called the admissions office for waitlist and they are not providing any good info. Still no update on the portal for Waitlist status.

Sorry… replied to the wrong person.

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Hi, my daughter from So Cal looking for roommates at Cowell too… if interested in connecting them let me know. Thanks.

the girls are communicating through Instagram so I am not directly involved just what is shared with me lol.
The kids post pictures and a short bio and the college designation.
Tell her to post her bio there so they can get connected.

She’s on that site but posted awhile ago. I’ll have her repost.

UCSC SIR in and confirmed. Still waiting on financial aid letter. Still waiting on UCSD waiting list.

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Not to put us off our food, but here are some photos I took of the Santa Cruz homeless situation last October 2022. Taken from the front street pedestrian bridge near the Pacific Garden Mall downtown.

I believe, even from waitlist we are both guaranteed and required to use on campus housing freshman year. The above photos are NOT of the housing option for sophomores, juniors and seniors. This was just before the final phase of removing the homeless camp back then.

Don’t worry, this was several miles from campus downhill. That said, I’m not sure that a year later the housing options are much better for either homeless or undergraduates.

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Have there been any waitlist offers this past week?