UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

I’m currently on the waitlist for CS major , is there anything I could do to up my chances of getting in? You mentioned that I cannot change majors so is my best bet to just wait and hope I get admitted?

Unfortunately, yes all you can do is wait until you receive a decision.

I just spoke with the housing office and they confirmed that housing is guaranteed for freshman throughout the waitlist period.


Excellent news. Thank you for confirming especially since housing is such an issue at UCSC.


YESSS, that’s awesome news! Thank you for calling them

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Perfect, thank you so much!

Anyone know when financial aid letters come out? Been 2 weeks since we were admitted off the waitlist, 1 week since we accepted. Maybe I should phone them.

I am on the waitlist for CS(2nd choice Computer Engineering) so it is giving me the option to switch to a different proposed major. Some majors, including Computer Engineering, are grayed out and cannot be selected. Since both CS and CE are grayed out(presumably full), does this mean that unless I switch to a different proposed major I will eventually receive a rejection? And if I select a new major that is not grayed out(presumably has space), will I be likely to get accepted?

There is no guarantee that if you switch majors you will be admitted off the waitlist but you can try.

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I don’t believe there’s a comprehensive list - you just have research the major under each college at each campus where there may be a warning about restrictions. It’s not like the CSU system where you can go to one centralized site and see all impacted majors at that campus.

We were admitted regular decision and still only have an estimate.

I wonder if they are waiting for room assignments and meal plans before they send out the final information.

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Where did you see the option to switch majors? Also, what majors were grayed out other than CS and CE?

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My daughter SIR’d a few weeks ago but has yet to receive a college assignment so she can’t do the housing application apparently. I see that some were assigned colleges. Anyone still waiting? I am going to call tomorrow.

You have guaranteed housing if you have paid the deposit and submitted your college preference list.

You just can’t apply for a specific room type until you have your college assignment.

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I phoned UCSC Financial Office when they opened at 10am today. For anyone interested, they are scheduled to send out the financial award letters today and tomorrow.

I was able to provide them DD’s student ID number from her acceptance email. Using that they noted that my FAFSA had not reached them yet. Incidentally, next year FAFSA will allow 20 not just 10 colleges. UCSC FAFSA code is 001321.


Computer science(BA and BS), computer engineering, undeclared, italian studies, computer science game design are grayed out while everything else is open.

Someone else sent me the link from their acceptance email. But even if you are still on the waitlist you can change.


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My son was accepted his offer on May 10 and we received info from financial aid about a week later. It came through the portal.

S was waitlisted but received offer last week for astrophysics (instate). Decided to accept (switching from Arizona). 3.7UW/5 APs/1530 SAT/NM Commended/top ~25% in class/statewide eligible. Pleased to be much closer to home, UCSC had been his top choice originally.


Do you mind sharing your son’s stats? I’m currently on the waitlist and haven’t heard back.