**UC Santa Cruz Waitlist Class of 2025**

I was gonna say. My daughter had a very high GPA but they offered her pennies.

UW Madison is a very good public university. However, if no scholarship, it will be $21K/year more than in-state UCs. What have your son decided? Please note UCSC has the highest faculty student ratio among all UCs, 1:24. Big classes!

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My son decided between UC Santa Cruz and Arizona. Unfortunately, Arizona did reduce the amount of aid they offered this year rather significantly when they went test blind for merit. However, based on our research it would still be less expensive to attend Arizona than Santa Cruz assuming an unweighted 3.75 and just about the same with 3.5. This accounts for off campus living expenses which are very low relative to Santa Cruz. Cost was one reason he chose UA. Arizona State was even less but he just wasn’t a fan of the size of the school or Phoenix/Tempe.

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I think the way I would describe it is that I found WUE kind of confusing and not compelling enough to investigate in detail. My son was fine with a UC or CSU, with a preference for UC if he could get in. He didn’t apply to Merced, and I think in other years, UCSC would have come through if not Davis, but not this year. So it looks like he’s going to Riverside and he’s content, not to say ecstatic.

For comparison, he also got into San Diego State University. When I was looking over the out of state schools in WUE, nothing really impressed me as better than SDSU. Am I wrong to think that? My son wasn’t that interested in going out of state either, so I just dropped the issue and he applied to a list of UCs and CSUs.

Our granddaughter just got admitted from the waitlist. I got a text from her mom today. Last night was her high school graduation so it may have come in Friday’s 3rd batch with the rest and she may not have gotten around to checking email until today. She is a Theatre Arts Major, and the first performing arts major I’ve seen in this thread. She has until Friday to decide.

She had already signed up for Community College when she was waitlisted or rejected from all of her 4 year schools, so now she has a decision on her hands. I’m very happy she at least has choices and doesn’t have to feel pushed one way or the other.

It sounds like this may have been a larger wave than the first two based on the number of posts I’ve seen blow up on this thread this time.


No, I don’t think you are wrong. If you are able to get into a CSU that you like then there really isn’t a need for a WUE school. My daughter explored the WUE schools as she knew the compitition would be tough this year. She is waitlisted at CalState Long Beach and UCSC. She was accepted to our local CSU but does not care for it as it does not offer her field of study.

UC Riverside is an excellent school, as are all the UCs. I did a post grad certificate program there. It is hotter than the dickens in summer, though. Congratulations to your son.


My daughter just got of the waitlist for art and playable media. As of now she wants to stick with UCDavis even though they don’t have a program like that. Interestedly, my guess is that if she had gotten into both SC and Davis at the outset I’m 95% sure she would have chosen SC. But now she feels excited about Davis and doesn’t want to switch. I hope it’s the right decision for her.


It makes sense to stick where you’ve put the time and emotional investment–not to mention the monetary deposit. Tiny compared to tuition, but not something to throw away without a good reason.

If you want my opinion (and I know you didn’t ask) Davis is a wise choice for other reasons. It’s more selective overall and your daughter can only really guess what she wants out of a college degree. Accepting a waitlist just for a specific department seems risky.

Congratulations and good luck to her!

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Son got off the waitlist for Biology on Friday. He is already committed another school. I hope this makes way to someone on the waitlist. Best of luck everyone!!!


Good luck to him…fingers still crossed here.

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Son got in Friday and is thrilled, what are his chances at housing?


I have the same question! We just submitted his SIR and paid the $400 (this included the housing deposit of $150). Hoping there’s a spot for him in the dorms!

I got off the waitlist on Friday but I still have not received my financial aid package is anyone still waiting on theirs ?

Would not getting housing be a possibility for freshman admitted from the waitlist? Isn’t living on campus freshman year required?

curios did anyone get in off the waitlist in to art & design: games & playable media? we are still on the waitlist.

Yes, see post #425

we are still on waitlist for art & playable media. my son definitely wanted to get in to this major but is still on the waitlist. the more time that passes, kids start picturing themselves in a different school. BTW, congrats on Davis. It’s my alma matter and a great school. I would advise UCD over UCSC.


No given the need to limit the amount of students per room due to Covid, they no longer guarantee, but Freshmen are priority so I am hopeful