UC Senior Grades?


So I’m in 12th grade and my top choice is UC Berkely or UCLA. So the policy for these 2 schools is that you must keep a 3.0 unweighted senior year with no more than 1 “C” grade. But i have a religion class that is not counted as a class by UC (not "UC-approved). It’s not counted into the GPA at all…

So i’m wondering if I get a C in another class and a C in religion, would that religion grade not affect this policy since it’s not an approved class?


I have two attending UCLA and one UCB graduate. Their provisions for admissions stipulated: overall unweighted B and to notify “our office if you receive two or more Cs”. It doesn’t specify a-g. It also has “complete your senior year with the same high standards you have demonstrated”.

If I had to guess it’s likely they care about a-g. However, I’d recommend avoiding Cs if you can.

Email admissions at those two schools and ask

First of all, you are putting the cart before the horse meaning you have not even applied to either school, let alone getting accepted and you are worried about possibly getting 2 C’s???

As @mikemac stated above Email admissions to get clarification, but you should be putting all your effort in all your classes to avoid this issue in the first place. School has just begun, so if you are already worried about getting C’s, then your Senior year may prove to be very difficult.

Although UCLA/UCB do not specifically state that they need notification if you receive 2 more C’s Senior year, I would assume that means all classes not just a-g. Also when it comes to meeting the provisional admission requirements, the schools will review your situation on a case by case basis.

I do know of one Cal State that states on their website, that all Senior classes are subject to their provisional admission criteria of no grades below a C- in Senior year not just a-g.

