UC Writing Test

My mom told me I was supposed to take some test tomorrow for english/writing placement and I had no idea this was a thing I needed to do so soon. Anyway, I looked at what it was and I’m probably going to fail badly after looking at the example and have no idea what to do. Any advice on how to go about taking this exam?

I would assume you are talking about the APWE.

Here is a writing sample: http://www.ucop.edu/elwr/sample.html

Since you missed today’s AWPE you will have to take it during the Welcome Week in Sep - at least this is the arrangement in UCSC. if the result is not satisfactory then you will need to take English Writing course every quarter until you pass - sound a bit daunting but it looks like a great deal of people pass AWPE/writing course.

@tintinhope Oh I took it yesterday and it was an easy topic to write about so I hopefully won’t have to worry about that

I took this on Saturday. I only had 3 hours of sleep, didn’t have breakfast, on my birthday, have test anxiety, and I still believed that it was an easy test to take :slight_smile: I believe it has been the best essay I’ve written for one of these type of tests! They give you two hours to complete it and I wrote 3 pages with small handwriting.