*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

last year i think it was that the faq link changed not disappeared. not 100% sure but i believe they saw 2 links, one that worked and that didnt.

and this happened on may 4 for them so im praying it starts for us on may 3 this year

Good luck to all!


it will probably happen on May 4th because they don’t work on weekends.

Where y’all committing other than cal?

committed to cal poly slo, but will rescind if cal accepts me

U of San Diego or UC Davis still haven’t decided LMAO but def rescinding if I get into Cal

may 4 2020 was a monday too

UC Davis >>

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yea so we should def look out on Monday. will this occurrence happen in the morning or afternoon?

Yall when i look at my waitlist opt-in form, it says “FPF Interest” even though on the form I did not check the FPF box because I’m not interested in it. What does this mean?

ooo then hopefully monday!!

Same! I was confused when i saw that

It’s just like a section title. If you opted into it, it says “If admitted, I would like to start my Berkeley career
” under it

ohhhh i see

How many ppl did not opt into any of the pathways
 well I didn’t lol

Sees May 2nd
Me: *Sweat Intensifies


Especially when u know that the accurate faq glitch is gonna show up on monday.


My portal doesnt show the opt in form at all