*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

you can see it from the decision letter

sorry, i might be late to this, but what is the withdraw prediction? and how can we find the source code for that. Please can someone explain it to me? Thank you

I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. I understand that the admission deposit is not refundable.


I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application

My Source Code (if you want):

{return ((false) (true));
}},{“prompts”:[“I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. I understand that the admission deposit is not refundable.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (false) && (true);
}},{“prompts”:[“I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (false) && (true);
}},{“prompts”:["===RETIRED Prompts==="],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false);
}},{“prompts”:[“I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (true) && (false);

they have the messages ready, so my prediction is that the indicator will be there or through the FAQ. best to start checking everyday from now onwards

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will the source code change or will it be the actual message on the withdraw form?

actual message but lets look out for both

ok thanks

Do you know what the stats are for UCLA?
and any updates for this crazy year?!

na man im also waitlisted for ucla and they haven’t released anything. there arent any glitches for ucla either

If the yield for cal this year is more than last year shouldn’t they be taking less ppl off the waitlist?


it’s crazy that we might know tomorrow haha it seems so soon

if it happens tomorrow, can someone post a detailed guide to how to look at the source code for the info. It would be even better if you could share a video on how to do it. :slight_smile:

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yield is prob less imo

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rate will probably be the same but more spots

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How would there be more spots tho

the explanation is the yield is bad, hence they waitlisted more people this time. in order to recover from the yield, they need to accept more people. however, the rate won’t change

what time do you think the glitch will happen. if i get the good sign, i will walk out of my gov exam tom!!

Ok… it was at around noon for pdt last year.

no the actual results right? just the glitches