*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Just the glitch, but it was 100% accurate for last few years

theres ~625 spots left in FPF now, does anyone know how many were left last year at this time

How can you check the amount of spots? I’m curious about Changemaker

they waitlisted more people? I thought there were less WLers this year, but I may be wrong…

I assume yield would be higher this year since people have less money, they will gravitate towards the cheaper public universities. I also heard schools are very uncertain this year, so they tend to build a even bigger waitlist.

the big college consulting firms predict that yield will be at a low.

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Yield would be higher than last yr since ppl are used to the pandemic lifestyle. Not a great year for waitlists…

idk if i can agree with ur logic

I think yield will be lower bc I trend I’ve been noticing is that the same group of students are getting into multiple T20s, and privates (although expensive) are much more desirable than a larger school like Cal. In addition, if they are OOS then privates may give them more money than Berkeley.

If anyone is curious, here is my source code:

{return ((false) (true));
}},{“prompts”:[“I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. I understand that the admission deposit is not refundable.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (false) && (true);
}},{“prompts”:[“I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (false) && (true);
}},{“prompts”:"===RETIRED Prompts===",“condition”:function(form)
{return (false);
}},{“prompts”:[“I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (true) && (false);

It says RETIRED Prompts for “I am no longer interested…”
What was last year’s sign for the glitch?

There were 630 FPF spots left until the first wave for last yr(see post 2089 of last yr’s discussion). So yeah this year there are fewer spots left.

how can you assume so quickly tho?

I agree w u, yield will be low this year bc costs plus everyone applied to so many schools

same code as you

I don’t know much about this stuff but when I looked at my page source it also said RETIRED in the same place

same here idk why it is lot letting me paste it.

I wonder if everyone has “RETIRED”

also if anyone can lmk how to see spots left for changemaker I’d really appreciate it :slight_smile:

Here’s mine:

form.conditionalPromptConfig =
{return ((false) || (true));
}},{“prompts”:[“I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. I understand that the admission deposit is not refundable.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (false) && (true);
}},{“prompts”:[“I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false) && (false) && (true);
}},{“prompts”:["===RETIRED Prompts==="],“condition”:function(form)
{return (false);
}},{“prompts”:[“I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”],“condition”:function(form)
{return (true) && (false);

you might have it as well. the retired part isnt pasting on college confidential. check again