*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

bro why can’t i paste it here wth

Does anyone know where the indicator was from last year’s admissions?

faq glitches. this year it will most prob be the withdrawal form

}},{“prompts”:["===RETIRED Prompts==="],“condition”:function(form)

damn retired aint going thru on CC LMAO

True. Here’s what I see when I pasted it into the box

Screen Shot 2021-05-02 at 8.17.17 PM

@Dash2404 send a SS of your code to us instead of pasting it

According to @ye2024 there are 625 spots left NOW, and according to last yr’s post there were 630 spots left on may 8th, so obviously this yr more ppl enrolled at Berkeley than last yr.

where did you get the 625 number from dude the waitlists haven’t even started rolling out

Idk, @ye2024 said there r 625 left now, ask him/her lol

no one knows bro the first wave hasn’t even started

People accepted from rd round might know the number of spots left. Maybe ye2024 knows someone from rd.

i dont think that difference is significant

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Wait why is it that they have a glitch like every year, first aren’t they a good cs school, so they should be able to make good websites or find good companies to make it for them. Also this seems to be a yearly occurrence, are they trying to do it?

Maybe they want to get us disturbed lol

you have to ask an admitted person. i think changemakers has around 274 total left now, but for WL only 150 will be able to go from L&S and 50 from CNR

sooo do appeal and waitlist decisions come out the same day

i just read the other comments lol, admitted people (from the colleges that allow pathways) can also opt into these pathways guys, so they can see the number of spots left.

I asked one of my twins who was admitted in RD. He checked in Cal Central just now, and it shows 755 spots for FPF.

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idk why someone told me a different number LOL, i’ll trust your number then