*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

But I was hoping it would be greater than 755. Does it mean they had a better yield in the RD round this year?

i cant say for sure… but to me 755 seems expected

i dont think we can use FPF remaining spots to say whether yield was higher or lower than expected with it being 755

Thanks. Cal Central is not showing the number of spots in Changemakers. Will it be about 200? My other twin only had the FPF option when he joined the WL.

off the WL, i think they said somewhere that it would be 150 for LNS and 50 for CNR, and i’m sure those are all available still. also just my guess but i think that either yield is lower or they purposefully admitted less because they extended the WL

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so you think the waitlist is even bigger this yr?

do you mean admits off the WL or the number of people on the WL?

both if you know

i think latter is lower (unless extending by a week got it up to where they wanted it) and the former is higher. i dont know for sure though haha

Prolly abt 15 hours away til we gonna get the first real glitch lol

any changes for any1?

Isn’t just possible that those prompts are for people who were accepted Regular Decision? I mean, it is the same portal…

na idts. do u have any changes on ur portal?

image im so tired of waiting

oh I was also digging through the transfer thread and found this:

basically one person had the “no longer interested” message the whole time, but their code changed the day before; for their second statement the returned booleans changed from FFT to FTT.

tbh it probably doesn’t mean anything but if we have different true/false combos it might mean something?

how to you check your code?

head over to the withdraw page → right click → “view page source” → ctrl + f → search “interested” and you should see the rest

Can you guys check if you still have the return booleans? I can’t find mine… did the AO see our discussion and fixed it lmao?

send pic of source code

here’s mine

here is mine