*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Yea, but just “mostly”.

Ok, I formatted my optional essay to contain what I would write in a LOCI, so I think i’m fine.

Where does it say thattt?

how abt int’l?

same here man I rlly don’t wanna pay more than 80K a year for USC

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mixed in both waves

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i put basically my extracurricular updates and reinstated my interest. lucky for me, my EC updates align quite well with my intended major, so I was able to make it really nice

It’s the trend from last few years.

there is a possibility that decisions get released next Friday as well because of the extended deadline :clown_face:

good point

why cant someone just call and ask

imma call today after school

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ya’ll is everything happening rn indicating that they will not take a ton off the waitlist this year

relax lmao they already said it will come after May 1st when people called

its gonna be released later cause they extended the waitlist opt deadline

from reddit: “guys i emailed my admissions officer and she said that waitlists decisions release are NOT being affected by the waitlist deadline extension. so it should potentially start coming out this friday as predicted”



so the glitches should begin happening later today right? around 12

why 12?

idk i think someone said around 12 earlier