*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Your waitlist essay can serve as your LOCI so do not send anything additional not requested by UCB.

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By the way, would it be okay for me to explain my school’s academic rigor? No student who goes to my school has straight As, but we’ve always scored high in international exams. In my case, I had Bs every year but scored A*s and As (distinction) in my IGCSEs and A-Levels. My school doesn’t curve grades nor give credits. My school is also tiny (around 20 students per batch), and not many alums went to college in the US. No ranks or GPA. Our school profile doesn’t really make us look good either. Should I try to put my grades into context?

I am in the exact same situation as u

i think UCB waitlist decisions will be ~ after first week of may

This is more of a technical question but does anyone know what to put in the quarter grades if your school does semesters?

Which country?

India, hbu?

Same India. Even I am waitlisted for EECS

Does anyone know how many students did berkeley waitlist this year

Check the top of this discussion for waitlist stats.

2020 Waitlist:
Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 8,753
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:5,043
Number of wait-listed students admitted:1,651

First of all, thank you for all the information you provide us. Question about the 2020 stats: Of the 5,043 on the waitlist, how many were offered admission? I see that 1,651 were ultimately admitted, but I’m sure there must have been some who were offered admission off the waitlist but turned the offer down. The key statistic is how many on the waitlist were offered admission. Do you happen to have the statistic? And if so, is that stat broken down by college?

No, unfortunately the UC’s do not post how many were offered admission. 2020 was also an outlier so hard to interpret what will happen this year.

is the 500 word essay the only form of interest we can demonstrate, or are there any other additional documents we can upload besides the transcript

The essay is basically your LOCI and UCB has stated do not send additional documents not requested. You can call admissions if you want to confirm.

Oh okay thanks a lot

Does submitting the form early matter?

ahhh has anyone done a PRA for the waitlist data?

nvm, i just did, ill let you guys know the results

in the meantime here’s some stuff from a previous PRA i did regarding waitlists. It is a bit outdated so I’ve put the years


Once notified, waitlisted applicants must indicate a continued interest in the University by
opting-in, effectively asking to remain on the waitlist. If a student does not opt-in prior to
May 1st, the application will no longer be considered as a part of the waitlist pool.
Students on the waitlist are qualified and have been previously reviewed using the criteria
outlined in the Freshman Scoring Guidelines and related freshmen policies. Applications of
those who opt-in will be sorted using the following criteria and recommended for fall
admission where space is available after May 1st.
Readers will estimate the relative academic strength of each applicant as well as that
individual’s level of achievement in non-academic areas and will consider the type of
contribution that student would make to the overall intellectual, social, and cultural
community at Berkeley. In addition, to help ensure that the admitted class is inclusive of all
of California’s communities, readers will be instructed to pay particular attention to
whether a public school applicant attends a low API school (1-4), or if a private school
applicant comes from a low socioeconomic background. For all applicants in the pool,
readers will also consider whether fewer than 5% of their high school’s seniors apply to UC
annually. As this is a critical process for enrollment management, only internal and
experienced readers will recommend possible fall admission for those who opted into the
After the May 1st SIR deadline, an assessment of available seats will take place. As a result
of the evaluation, OUA will analyze the waitlist and how it can best be used to reach
established targets. Students who have opted in will be offered available space based upon
campus needs, including academic interest and geographic location. Students in the waitlist
pool who opted-in, but are not offered a seat in the class will receive appropriate
notification from OUA as soon as the fall freshman class is complete.


Once notified, waitlisted applicants must indicate a continued interest in UC Berkeley by
opting in, effectively asking to remain on the waitlist. If a student does not opt in before
May 1, the application will no longer be considered as a part of the waitlist pool. Students
who opt in will be asked to supply high school records for the fall semester of the senior
year as well as a 250-word essay responding to a prompt set by AEPE every year.
Applications of those who opt in will be sorted, using the criteria described below and
recommended for admission where space is available after May 1.
As with DR, readers will be instructed to positively weigh whether an applicant would be a
first-generation college student, whether a public school applicant attends a school with a
low Academic Performance Index (API) of 1 to 4, or whether a private school applicant
comes from a low socioeconomic background. For all applicants in the waitlist pool,
readers will also consider whether fewer than 5% of their high school’s seniors apply to UC
annually. In addition, Eligibility in Local Context (ELC) will be a positive factor. Geographic
balance will be an additional consideration in waitlist management. Lastly, available
capacity in the intended major of a student should be considered an important parameter
in clearing the waitlist.
Students in the waitlist pool who opted in, but are not offered a seat in the class will receive
appropriate notification from OUA as soon as the freshman class is complete.

No, submitting early does not give you any special priority. Submit when you are satisfied with your essay.

Ur the goat

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